You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
4.8 KiB

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_error.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_result.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_to_text.dart';
/// Holds a set of responses and acts as a mock for the platform specific
/// implementations allowing test cases to determine what the result of
/// a call should be.
class TestSpeechChannelHandler {
final SpeechToText _speech;
bool listenException = false;
static const String listenExceptionCode = "listenFailedError";
static const String listenExceptionMessage = "Failed";
static const String listenExceptionDetails = "Device Listen Failure";
bool initResult = true;
bool initInvoked = false;
bool listenInvoked = false;
bool cancelInvoked = false;
bool stopInvoked = false;
bool localesInvoked = false;
bool hasPermissionResult = true;
String listeningStatusResponse = SpeechToText.listeningStatus;
String listenLocale;
List<String> locales = [];
static const String localeId1 = "en_US";
static const String localeId2 = "fr_CA";
static const String name1 = "English US";
static const String name2 = "French Canada";
static const String locale1 = "$localeId1:$name1";
static const String locale2 = "$localeId2:$name2";
static const String firstRecognizedWords = 'hello';
static const String secondRecognizedWords = 'hello there';
static const double firstConfidence = 0.85;
static const double secondConfidence = 0.62;
static const String firstRecognizedJson =
static const String secondRecognizedJson =
static const String finalRecognizedJson =
static const SpeechRecognitionWords firstWords =
SpeechRecognitionWords(firstRecognizedWords, firstConfidence);
static const SpeechRecognitionWords secondWords =
SpeechRecognitionWords(secondRecognizedWords, secondConfidence);
static final SpeechRecognitionResult firstRecognizedResult =
SpeechRecognitionResult([firstWords], false);
static final SpeechRecognitionResult secondRecognizedResult =
SpeechRecognitionResult([secondWords], false);
static final SpeechRecognitionResult finalRecognizedResult =
SpeechRecognitionResult([secondWords], true);
static const String transientErrorJson =
static const String permanentErrorJson =
static final SpeechRecognitionError firstError =
SpeechRecognitionError("network", true);
static const double level1 = 0.5;
static const double level2 = 10;
Future<dynamic> methodCallHandler(MethodCall methodCall) async {
switch (methodCall.method) {
case "has_permission":
return hasPermissionResult;
case "initialize":
initInvoked = true;
return initResult;
case "cancel":
cancelInvoked = true;
return true;
case "stop":
stopInvoked = true;
return true;
case SpeechToText.listenMethod:
listenInvoked = true;
if (listenException) {
throw PlatformException(
code: listenExceptionCode,
message: listenExceptionMessage,
details: listenExceptionDetails);
listenLocale = methodCall.arguments["localeId"];
await _speech.processMethodCall(MethodCall(
SpeechToText.notifyStatusMethod, listeningStatusResponse));
return initResult;
case "locales":
localesInvoked = true;
return locales;
return initResult;
void notifyFinalWords() {
MethodCall(SpeechToText.textRecognitionMethod, finalRecognizedJson));
void notifyPartialWords() {
MethodCall(SpeechToText.textRecognitionMethod, firstRecognizedJson));
void notifyPermanentError() {
MethodCall(SpeechToText.notifyErrorMethod, permanentErrorJson));
void notifyTransientError() {
MethodCall(SpeechToText.notifyErrorMethod, transientErrorJson));
void notifySoundLevel() {
MethodCall(SpeechToText.soundLevelChangeMethod, level2));
void setupLocales() {