You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

512 lines
18 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_error.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_result.dart';
enum ListenMode {
/// Notified as words are recognized with the current set of recognized words.
/// See the [onResult] argument on the [listen] method for use.
typedef SpeechResultListener = void Function(SpeechRecognitionResult result);
/// Notified if errors occur during recognition or intialization.
/// Possible errors per the Android docs are described here:
/// "error_audio_error"
/// "error_client"
/// "error_permission"
/// "error_network"
/// "error_network_timeout"
/// "error_no_match"
/// "error_busy"
/// "error_server"
/// "error_speech_timeout"
/// See the [onError] argument on the [initialize] method for use.
typedef SpeechErrorListener = void Function(
SpeechRecognitionError errorNotification);
/// Notified when recognition status changes.
/// See the [onStatus] argument on the [initialize] method for use.
typedef SpeechStatusListener = void Function(String status);
/// Notified when the sound level changes during a listen method.
/// [level] is a measure of the decibels of the current sound on
/// the recognition input. See the [onSoundLevelChange] argument on
/// the [listen] method for use.
typedef SpeechSoundLevelChange = Function(double level);
/// An interface to device specific speech recognition services.
/// The general flow of a speech recognition session is as follows:
/// ```Dart
/// SpeechToText speech = SpeechToText();
/// bool isReady = await speech.initialize();
/// if ( isReady ) {
/// await speech.listen( resultListener: resultListener );
/// }
/// ...
/// // At some point later
/// speech.stop();
/// ```
class SpeechToText {
static const String listenMethod = 'listen';
static const String textRecognitionMethod = 'textRecognition';
static const String notifyErrorMethod = 'notifyError';
static const String notifyStatusMethod = 'notifyStatus';
static const String soundLevelChangeMethod = "soundLevelChange";
static const String notListeningStatus = "notListening";
static const String listeningStatus = "listening";
static const MethodChannel speechChannel =
const MethodChannel('');
static final SpeechToText _instance =
bool _initWorked = false;
bool _recognized = false;
bool _listening = false;
bool _cancelOnError = false;
bool _partialResults = false;
int _listenStartedAt = 0;
int _lastSpeechEventAt = 0;
Duration _pauseFor;
Duration _listenFor;
/// True if not listening or the user called cancel / stop, false
/// if cancel/stop were invoked by timeout or error condition.
bool _userEnded = false;
String _lastRecognized = "";
String _lastStatus = "";
double _lastSoundLevel = 0;
Timer _listenTimer;
LocaleName _systemLocale;
SpeechRecognitionError _lastError;
SpeechResultListener _resultListener;
SpeechErrorListener errorListener;
SpeechStatusListener statusListener;
SpeechSoundLevelChange _soundLevelChange;
final MethodChannel channel;
factory SpeechToText() => _instance;
/// True if words have been recognized during the current [listen] call.
/// Goes false as soon as [cancel] is called.
bool get hasRecognized => _recognized;
/// The last set of recognized words received.
/// This is maintained across [cancel] calls but cleared on the next
/// [listen].
String get lastRecognizedWords => _lastRecognized;
/// The last status update received, see [initialize] to register
/// an optional listener to be notified when this changes.
String get lastStatus => _lastStatus;
/// The last sound level received during a listen event.
/// The sound level is a measure of how loud the current
/// input is during listening. Use the [onSoundLevelChange]
/// argument in the [listen] method to get notified of
/// changes.
double get lastSoundLevel => _lastSoundLevel;
/// True if [initialize] succeeded
bool get isAvailable => _initWorked;
/// True if [listen] succeeded and [stop] or [cancel] has not been called.
/// Also goes false when listening times out if listenFor was set.
bool get isListening => _listening;
bool get isNotListening => !isListening;
/// The last error received or null if none, see [initialize] to
/// register an optional listener to be notified of errors.
SpeechRecognitionError get lastError => _lastError;
/// True if an error has been received, see [lastError] for details
bool get hasError => null != lastError;
/// Returns true if the user has already granted permission to access the
/// microphone, does not prompt the user.
/// This method can be called before [initialize] to check if permission
/// has already been granted. If this returns false then the [initialize]
/// call will prompt the user for permission if it is allowed to do so.
/// Note that applications cannot ask for permission again if the user has
/// denied them permission in the past.
Future<bool> get hasPermission async {
bool hasPermission = await channel.invokeMethod('has_permission');
return hasPermission;
/// Initialize speech recognition services, returns true if
/// successful, false if failed.
/// This method must be called before any other speech functions.
/// If this method returns false no further [SpeechToText] methods
/// should be used. Should only be called once if successful but does protect
/// itself if called repeatedly. False usually means that the user has denied
/// permission to use speech. The usual option in that case is to give them
/// instructions on how to open system settings and grant permission.
/// [onError] is an optional listener for errors like
/// timeout, or failure of the device speech recognition.
/// [onStatus] is an optional listener for status changes from
/// listening to not listening.
/// [debugLogging] controls whether there is detailed logging from the underlying
/// plugins. It is off by default, usually only useful for troubleshooting issues
/// with a paritcular OS version or device, fairly verbose
Future<bool> initialize(
{SpeechErrorListener onError,
SpeechStatusListener onStatus,
debugLogging = false}) async {
if (_initWorked) {
return Future.value(_initWorked);
errorListener = onError;
statusListener = onStatus;
_initWorked = await channel
.invokeMethod('initialize', {"debugLogging": debugLogging});
return _initWorked;
/// Stops the current listen for speech if active, does nothing if not.
/// Stopping a listen session will cause a final result to be sent. Each
/// listen session should be ended with either [stop] or [cancel], for
/// example in the dispose method of a Widget. [cancel] is automatically
/// invoked by a permanent error if [cancelOnError] is set to true in the
/// [listen] call.
/// *Note:* Cannot be used until a successful [initialize] call. Should
/// only be used after a successful [listen] call.
Future<void> stop() async {
_userEnded = true;
return _stop();
Future<void> _stop() async {
if (!_initWorked) {
await channel.invokeMethod('stop');
/// Cancels the current listen for speech if active, does nothing if not.
/// Canceling means that there will be no final result returned from the
/// recognizer. Each listen session should be ended with either [stop] or
/// [cancel], for example in the dispose method of a Widget. [cancel] is
/// automatically invoked by a permanent error if [cancelOnError] is set
/// to true in the [listen] call.
/// *Note* Cannot be used until a successful [initialize] call. Should only
/// be used after a successful [listen] call.
Future<void> cancel() async {
_userEnded = true;
return _cancel();
Future<void> _cancel() async {
if (!_initWorked) {
await channel.invokeMethod('cancel');
/// Starts a listening session for speech and converts it to text,
/// invoking the provided [onResult] method as words are recognized.
/// Cannot be used until a successful [initialize] call. There is a
/// time limit on listening imposed by both Android and iOS. The time
/// depends on the device, network, etc. Android is usually quite short,
/// especially if there is no active speech event detected, on the order
/// of ten seconds or so.
/// When listening is done always invoke either [cancel] or [stop] to
/// end the session, even if it times out. [cancelOnError] provides an
/// automatic way to ensure this happens.
/// [onResult] is an optional listener that is notified when words
/// are recognized.
/// [listenFor] sets the maximum duration that it will listen for, after
/// that it automatically stops the listen for you.
/// [pauseFor] sets the maximum duration of a pause in speech with no words
/// detected, after that it automatically stops the listen for you.
/// [localeId] is an optional locale that can be used to listen in a language
/// other than the current system default. See [locales] to find the list of
/// supported languages for listening.
/// [onSoundLevelChange] is an optional listener that is notified when the
/// sound level of the input changes. Use this to update the UI in response to
/// more or less input. The values currently differ between Ancroid and iOS,
/// haven't yet been able to determine from the Android documentation what the
/// value means. On iOS the value returned is in decibels.
/// [cancelOnError] if true then listening is automatically canceled on a
/// permanent error. This defaults to false. When false cancel should be
/// called from the error handler.
/// [partialResults] if true the listen reports results as they are recognized,
/// when false only final results are reported. Defaults to true.
/// [onDevice] if true the listen attempts to recognize locally with speech never
/// leaving the device. If it cannot do this the listen attempt will fail. This is
/// usually only needed for sensitive content where privacy or security is a concern.
Future listen(
{SpeechResultListener onResult,
Duration listenFor,
Duration pauseFor,
String localeId,
SpeechSoundLevelChange onSoundLevelChange,
cancelOnError = false,
partialResults = true,
onDevice = false,
ListenMode listenMode = ListenMode.confirmation}) async {
if (!_initWorked) {
throw SpeechToTextNotInitializedException();
_userEnded = false;
_cancelOnError = cancelOnError;
_recognized = false;
_resultListener = onResult;
_soundLevelChange = onSoundLevelChange;
_partialResults = partialResults;
Map<String, dynamic> listenParams = {
"partialResults": partialResults || null != pauseFor,
"onDevice": onDevice,
"listenMode": listenMode.index,
if (null != localeId) {
listenParams["localeId"] = localeId;
try {
bool started = await channel.invokeMethod(listenMethod, listenParams);
if (started) {
_listenStartedAt =;
_setupListenAndPause(pauseFor, listenFor);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
throw ListenFailedException(e.details);
void _setupListenAndPause(Duration pauseFor, Duration listenFor) {
_pauseFor = null;
_listenFor = null;
if (null == pauseFor && null == listenFor) {
var minDuration;
if (null == pauseFor) {
_listenFor = Duration(milliseconds: listenFor.inMilliseconds);
minDuration = listenFor;
} else if (null == listenFor) {
_pauseFor = Duration(milliseconds: pauseFor.inMilliseconds);
minDuration = pauseFor;
} else {
_listenFor = Duration(milliseconds: listenFor.inMilliseconds);
_pauseFor = Duration(milliseconds: pauseFor.inMilliseconds);
var minMillis = min(listenFor.inMilliseconds - _elapsedListenMillis,
minDuration = Duration(milliseconds: minMillis);
_listenTimer = Timer(minDuration, _stopOnPauseOrListen);
int get _elapsedListenMillis => - _listenStartedAt;
int get _elapsedSinceSpeechEvent => - _lastSpeechEventAt;
void _stopOnPauseOrListen() {
if (null != _listenFor &&
_elapsedListenMillis >= _listenFor.inMilliseconds) {
} else if (null != _pauseFor &&
_elapsedSinceSpeechEvent >= _pauseFor.inMilliseconds) {
} else {
_setupListenAndPause(_pauseFor, _listenFor);
/// returns the list of speech locales available on the device.
/// This method is useful to find the identifier to use
/// for the [listen] method, it is the [localeId] member of the
/// [LocaleName].
/// Each [LocaleName] in the returned list has the
/// identifier for the locale as well as a name for
/// display. The name is localized for the system locale on
/// the device.
Future<List<LocaleName>> locales() async {
if (!_initWorked) {
throw SpeechToTextNotInitializedException();
final List<dynamic> locales = await channel.invokeMethod('locales');
List<LocaleName> filteredLocales = locales
.map((locale) {
var components = locale.split(":");
if (components.length != 2) {
return null;
return LocaleName(components[0], components[1]);
.where((item) => item != null)
if (filteredLocales.isNotEmpty) {
_systemLocale = filteredLocales.first;
} else {
_systemLocale = null;
filteredLocales.sort((ln1, ln2) =>;
return filteredLocales;
/// returns the locale that will be used if no localeId is passed
/// to the [listen] method.
Future<LocaleName> systemLocale() async {
if (null == _systemLocale) {
await locales();
return Future.value(_systemLocale);
Future _handleCallbacks(MethodCall call) async {
// print("SpeechToText call: ${call.method} ${call.arguments}");
switch (call.method) {
case textRecognitionMethod:
if (call.arguments is String) {
case notifyErrorMethod:
if (call.arguments is String) {
await _onNotifyError(call.arguments);
case notifyStatusMethod:
if (call.arguments is String) {
case soundLevelChangeMethod:
if (call.arguments is double) {
void _onTextRecognition(String resultJson) {
_lastSpeechEventAt =;
Map<String, dynamic> resultMap = jsonDecode(resultJson);
SpeechRecognitionResult speechResult =
if (!_partialResults && !speechResult.finalResult) {
_recognized = true;
// print("Recognized text $resultJson");
_lastRecognized = speechResult.recognizedWords;
if (null != _resultListener) {
Future<void> _onNotifyError(String errorJson) async {
if (isNotListening && _userEnded) {
Map<String, dynamic> errorMap = jsonDecode(errorJson);
SpeechRecognitionError speechError =
_lastError = speechError;
if (null != errorListener) {
if (_cancelOnError && speechError.permanent) {
await _cancel();
void _onNotifyStatus(String status) {
_lastStatus = status;
_listening = status == listeningStatus;
// print(status);
if (null != statusListener) {
void _onSoundLevelChange(double level) {
if (isNotListening) {
_lastSoundLevel = level;
if (null != _soundLevelChange) {
_shutdownListener() {
_listening = false;
_recognized = false;
_listenTimer = null;
Future processMethodCall(MethodCall call) async {
return await _handleCallbacks(call);
/// A single locale with a [name], localized to the current system locale,
/// and a [localeId] which can be used in the [listen] method to choose a
/// locale for speech recognition.
class LocaleName {
final String localeId;
final String name;
/// Thrown when a method is called that requires successful
/// initialization first.
class SpeechToTextNotInitializedException implements Exception {}
/// Thrown when listen fails to properly start a speech listening session
/// on the device
class ListenFailedException implements Exception {
final String details;