
Sikander Saleem 3 years ago
parent bb18645d85
commit 288d64214e

@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ const Map platformLocalizedValues = {
"alreadyConnectedHmgNetwork": {"en": " You already connected to HMG network to access Alhabib app", "ar": "انت متصل مسبقاً بالشبكة تستطيع استخدام تطبيق الحبيب"},
"somethingWentWrong": {"en": "Sorry something went wrong please try again later", "ar": "نعتذر لخدمتكم يرجى المحاولة لاحقا"},
"enablingWifi": {"en": "Enabling wifi...", "ar": "Enabling wifi..."},
"connectedHmgNetworkWithInternet": {
"en": "Successfully connected to the HMG network to access internet",
"ar": "Successfully connected to the HMG network to access internet"
"connectedHmgNetworkWithInternet": {"en": "Successfully connected to the HMG network to access internet", "ar": "Successfully connected to the HMG network to access internet"},
"connectedToHmgNetworkWithNoInternet": {
"en": "Successfully connected to the HMG network but it have no internet access",
"ar": "Successfully connected to the HMG network but it have no internet access"
@ -37,7 +34,6 @@ const Map localizedValues = {
'home': {'en': 'Home', 'ar': 'الرئيسية'},
'services': {'en': 'SERVICES', 'ar': 'الخدمات'},
'mySchedule': {'en': 'My Schedule', 'ar': 'جدولي'},
'schedule': {'en': 'Schedule', 'ar': 'جدول'},
'logout': {'en': 'Logout', 'ar': 'تسجيل خروج'},
'respirationRate': {'en': 'Respiration Rate', 'ar': 'معدل التنفس'},
'bookAppo': {'en': 'Book Appointment', 'ar': 'حجز موعد'},
@ -162,19 +158,10 @@ const Map localizedValues = {
"before": {"en": "Before", "ar": "قبل"},
"minute": {"en": "Minutes", "ar": "دقيقة"},
"hour": {"en": "Hour", "ar": "ساعة"},
"reminderSuccess": {
"en": "The reminder has been added successfully",
"ar": "يضاف التذكير بنجاح"
"patientShareToDo": {
"en": "Amount before tax: ",
"ar": "المبلغ قبل الضريبة:"
"reminderSuccess": {"en": "The reminder has been added successfully", "ar": "يضاف التذكير بنجاح"},
"patientShareToDo": {"en": "Amount before tax: ", "ar": "المبلغ قبل الضريبة:"},
"patientTaxToDo": {"en": "Tax amount: ", "ar": "قيمة الضريبة:"},
"patientShareTotalToDo": {
"en": "Total amount Due: ",
"ar": "المبلغ الإجمالي المستحق:"
"patientShareTotalToDo": {"en": "Total amount Due: ", "ar": "المبلغ الإجمالي المستحق:"},
'paymentMethod': {'en': 'Payment Method', 'ar': 'طريقة الدفع او السداد'},
'noNeedToWaitInLine': {'en': 'No need to stand in line.', 'ar': 'لا داعي للوقوف في الطابور.'},
'useQRAppoAttend': {'en': 'Use the QR code to register the appointment attendance.', 'ar': 'استخدم الكود لتسجيل الحضور في المستشفى.'},
@ -898,16 +885,10 @@ const Map localizedValues = {
"AmountBeforeTax": {"en": "Amount Before Tax:", "ar": "Amount Before Tax:"},
"ApproximateServiceFee": {"en": "Approximate Service Fee", "ar": "Approximate Service Fee"},
"TaxAmount": {"en": "Tax Amount:", "ar": "Tax Amount:"},
"somethingWentWrongTryLater": {
"en": "Sorry something went wrong please try again later",
"ar": "نعتذر لخدمتكم يرجى المحاولة لاحقا"
"somethingWentWrongTryLater": {"en": "Sorry something went wrong please try again later", "ar": "نعتذر لخدمتكم يرجى المحاولة لاحقا"},
"TotalAmountPayable": {"en": "Total Amount Payable:", "ar": "Total Amount Payable:"},
"iAcceptTermsConditions": {"en": "I Accept the Terms And Conditions", "ar": "You can pay by the following options:"},
"YouCanPayByTheFollowingOptions": {
"en": "You can pay by the following options:",
"ar": "I Accept the Terms And Conditions"
"YouCanPayByTheFollowingOptions": {"en": "You can pay by the following options:", "ar": "I Accept the Terms And Conditions"},
"RRTDDetails": {
"The RRT service provides medical services urgent and stable cases, not life-threatening situation or extremities and the service includes providing medical care from a copmplete medical team at home",
@ -1378,8 +1359,7 @@ const Map localizedValues = {
"تتيح لك هذه الخدمة إرسال طلب إحالة من أي من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية سواء داخل المملكة العربية السعودية أو خارجها إلى أي من مستشفيات HMG ، عن طريق ملء بعض بيانات المريض وإرفاق التقارير الطبية ، علاوة على ذلك يمكنك تتبع حالة الطلب ( قيد المعالجة ، مقبول أو مرفوض)"
"er-consultation": {
"This service allows you to make an online virtual consultation via video call directly with the doctor from anywhere at any time.",
"en": "This service allows you to make an online virtual consultation via video call directly with the doctor from anywhere at any time.",
"ar": "تتيح لك هذه الخدمة إجراء استشارة عبر مكالمة فيديو مباشرة مع الطبيب من أي مكان وفي أي وقت"
"my-invoice": {"en": "My Invoice", "ar": "فواتيري"},
@ -1390,38 +1370,14 @@ const Map localizedValues = {
"en": "No need to wait or visit You can now get medical consultation via Video call (LiveCare service) in The name of the clinic clinic and the doctor will contact you immediately",
"ar": "لا داعي للانتظار او الحضور يمكنك الان الحصول على الاستشارة عن طريق مكالمة الفيديو ( خدمة لايف كير) في العيادة وسوف يقوم الطبيب بالتواصل معك فورا"
"livecareModal-top": {
"en": "This Clinic is Accepting livecare services",
"ar": "هذه العيادة تقدم خدمة لايف كير"
"livecareModal-top": {"en": "This Clinic is Accepting livecare services", "ar": "هذه العيادة تقدم خدمة لايف كير"},
"schedule": {"en": "Schedule", "ar": "جدول الحضور"},
"livecare-point-2": {
"en": "A Specialized doctor will contact you",
"ar": "سوف يقوم بخدمتك طبيب متخصص"
"livecare-point-3": {
"en": "A Doctor will be able to see your full medical file history",
"ar": "سوف يتمكن الطبيب من الاطلاع على ملفك الطبي كاملا"
"livecare-point-4": {
"en": "Free Medicine delivery Available",
"ar": "خدمة توصيل الادوية مجانا"
"livecare-point-5": {
"en": "No need to visit the service is in your place",
"ar": "لا داعي للحضور سوف تحصل على الخدمة في مكانك"
"book-immediate-livecare": {
"en": "I accept to get the service immediately",
"ar": "موافق اريد الحصول على الخدمة فورا"
"book-video-livecare-2": {
"en": "I don't need to visit the clinic",
"ar": "اتصال فيديو لا احتاج الحضور الى العيادة"
"livecare-point-2": {"en": "A Specialized doctor will contact you", "ar": "سوف يقوم بخدمتك طبيب متخصص"},
"livecare-point-3": {"en": "A Doctor will be able to see your full medical file history", "ar": "سوف يتمكن الطبيب من الاطلاع على ملفك الطبي كاملا"},
"livecare-point-4": {"en": "Free Medicine delivery Available", "ar": "خدمة توصيل الادوية مجانا"},
"livecare-point-5": {"en": "No need to visit the service is in your place", "ar": "لا داعي للحضور سوف تحصل على الخدمة في مكانك"},
"book-immediate-livecare": {"en": "I accept to get the service immediately", "ar": "موافق اريد الحصول على الخدمة فورا"},
"book-video-livecare-2": {"en": "I don't need to visit the clinic", "ar": "اتصال فيديو لا احتاج الحضور الى العيادة"},
"no-thankyou": {"en": "No Thanks", "ar": "لا شكرا"},
"visit-clinic": {
"en": "Schedule appointment with the doctor",
"ar": "ارغب في حجز موعد مجدول مع الطبيب"
"visit-clinic": {"en": "Schedule appointment with the doctor", "ar": "ارغب في حجز موعد مجدول مع الطبيب"},

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ class TranslationBase {
String get mySchedule => localizedValues['mySchedule'][locale.languageCode];
String get schedule => localizedValues['schedule'][locale.languageCode];
String get replay2 => localizedValues['replay2'][locale.languageCode];
String get logout => localizedValues['logout'][locale.languageCode];
@ -1922,27 +1920,19 @@ class TranslationBase {
String get clinicAcceptLivecare => localizedValues["clinic-accept-livecare"][locale.languageCode];
String get livecareModalTop =>
String get livecareModalTop => localizedValues["livecareModal-top"][locale.languageCode];
String get empty => localizedValues["empty"][locale.languageCode];
String get schedule => localizedValues["schedule"][locale.languageCode];
String get livecarePoint2 =>
String get livecarePoint3 =>
String get livecarePoint4 =>
String get livecarePoint5 =>
String get bookImmediateLivecare =>
String get bookVideoLivecare2 =>
String get livecarePoint2 => localizedValues["livecare-point-2"][locale.languageCode];
String get livecarePoint3 => localizedValues["livecare-point-3"][locale.languageCode];
String get livecarePoint4 => localizedValues["livecare-point-4"][locale.languageCode];
String get livecarePoint5 => localizedValues["livecare-point-5"][locale.languageCode];
String get bookImmediateLivecare => localizedValues["book-immediate-livecare"][locale.languageCode];
String get bookVideoLivecare2 => localizedValues["book-video-livecare-2"][locale.languageCode];
String get noThankyou => localizedValues["no-thankyou"][locale.languageCode];
String get visitClinic =>
String get visitClinic => localizedValues["visit-clinic"][locale.languageCode];
class TranslationBaseDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<TranslationBase> {
