import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/config/config.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/config/size_config.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/config/size_config.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/model/ImagesInfo.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/service/AuthenticatedUserObject.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/viewModels/base_view_model.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/viewModels/project_view_model.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/pages/insurance/insurance_update_screen.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/pages/landing/landing_page.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/routes.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/services/robo_search/event_provider.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/uitl/translations_delegate_base.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/data_display/text.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/others/bottom_bar.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/progress_indicator/app_loader_widget.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/transitions/fade_page.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/typewriter/typewiter.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/widgets/weather_slider/weather_slider.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import 'package:font_awesome_flutter/font_awesome_flutter.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../../locator.dart'; import 'floating_button_search.dart'; import '../progress_indicator/app_loader_widget.dart'; import 'arrow_back.dart'; import 'network_base_view.dart'; import 'not_auh_page.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/services/authentication/auth_provider.dart'; import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/config/shared_pref_kay.dart'; class AppScaffold extends StatelessWidget { final String appBarTitle; final Widget body; final Widget bottomSheet; final bool isLoading; final bool isShowAppBar; final bool hasAppBarParam; final BaseViewModel baseViewModel; final bool isBottomBar; final Widget floatingActionButton; final bool isPharmacy; final String title; final String description; final bool isShowDecPage; final List infoList; final Color backgroundColor; final double preferredSize; final bool showHomeAppBarIcon; final List appBarIcons; final List imagesInfo; final bool isHelp; AuthenticatedUserObject authenticatedUserObject = locator(); AppScaffold( {@required this.body, this.appBarTitle = '', this.isLoading = false, this.isShowAppBar = false, this.hasAppBarParam, this.bottomSheet, this.baseViewModel, this.floatingActionButton, this.isPharmacy = false, this.title, this.description, this.isShowDecPage = true, this.isBottomBar, this.backgroundColor, this.preferredSize = 0.0, this.appBarIcons, this.infoList, this.isHelp = false, this.showHomeAppBarIcon = true, this.imagesInfo}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { AppGlobal.context = context; return Scaffold( backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor, appBar: isShowAppBar ? AppBarWidget( appBarTitle: appBarTitle, appBarIcons: appBarIcons, showHomeAppBarIcon: showHomeAppBarIcon, isPharmacy: isPharmacy, isShowDecPage: isShowDecPage, ) : null, bottomSheet: bottomSheet, body: (!Provider.of(context, listen: false).isLogin && isShowDecPage) ? NotAutPage( title: title ?? appBarTitle, description: description, infoList: infoList, imagesInfo: imagesInfo, ) : baseViewModel != null ? NetworkBaseView( child: buildBodyWidget(context), baseViewModel: baseViewModel, ) : buildBodyWidget(context), ); } buildAppLoaderWidget(bool isLoading) { return isLoading ? AppLoaderWidget() : Container(); } buildBodyWidget(context) { return Stack( children: [body, isHelp == true ? RobotIcon() : Container()]); } } class AppBarWidget extends StatelessWidget with PreferredSizeWidget { final AuthenticatedUserObject authenticatedUserObject = locator(); final String appBarTitle; final bool showHomeAppBarIcon; final List appBarIcons; final bool isPharmacy; final bool isShowDecPage; AppBarWidget( {this.appBarTitle, this.showHomeAppBarIcon, this.appBarIcons, this.isPharmacy = true, this.isShowDecPage = true}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return buildAppBar(context); } Widget buildAppBar(BuildContext context) { ProjectViewModel projectViewModel = Provider.of(context); return AppBar( elevation: 0, backgroundColor: isPharmacy ? : Theme.of(context).appBarTheme.color, textTheme: TextTheme( headline6: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ), title: Text( authenticatedUserObject.isLogin || !isShowDecPage ? appBarTitle.toUpperCase() : TranslationBase.of(context).serviceInformationTitle, style: TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white, fontFamily: projectViewModel.isArabic ? 'Cairo' : 'WorkSans')), leading: Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { return ArrowBack(); }, ), centerTitle: true, actions: [ isPharmacy ? IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart), color: Colors.white, onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).popUntil(ModalRoute.withName('/')); }) : Container(), IconButton( icon: Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.home), color: Colors.white, onPressed: () { Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => LandingPage()), (Route r) => false); }, ), if (appBarIcons != null) ...appBarIcons ], ); } @override Size get preferredSize => Size(double.maxFinite, 60); } class RobotIcon extends StatefulWidget { @override _RobotIcon createState() => _RobotIcon(); } class _RobotIcon extends State { var event = RobotProvider(); bool isAnimation = false; @override void initState() { { if (p['animationEnable'] == 'false') { if (this.mounted) { setState(() { this.isAnimation = false; }); } } else if (p['animationEnable'] == 'true') { if (this.mounted) { setState(() { this.isAnimation = true; }); } } }); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Positioned( child: Column( children: [ isAnimation ? Container( height: 150, width: 200, padding: EdgeInsets.all(5), margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 35.0, bottom: 0), decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10), color: Colors.white, boxShadow: [ BoxShadow(color:, spreadRadius: 1), ], ), child: TyperAnimatedTextKit( text: Provider.of(context, listen: false) .isArabic == true ? "هذه الخدمة تم تصميمها لتتمكن من ربط الملفات الطبية للعائلة بملفك الطبي حتى تتمكن من إدارة سجلاتهم عن طريق تسجيل الدخول إلى ملفك الطبي." : "Through this service, you will be able to link your family medical files to your medical file so that you can manage their records by login to your medical file.", textLength: Provider.of(context, listen: false) .isArabic == true ? "هذه الخدمة تم تصميمها لتتمكن من ربط الملفات الطبية للعائلة بملفك الطبي حتى تتمكن من إدارة سجلاتهم عن طريق تسجيل الدخول إلى ملفك الطبي." .length : "Through this service, you will be able to link your family medical files to your medical file so that you can manage their records by login to your medical file." .length)) : Container(), Stack( children: [ isAnimation ? Positioned( top: 0, right: 40, child: Container( height: 0, width: 0, decoration: ShapeDecoration( color: Colors.grey, shape: MessageBorder(reverse: true), ))) : Container(), FloatingSearchButton() ], ) ], ), right: -30, bottom: 50); } // setAnimation() async { // /// await sharedPref.getBool(IS_ROBOT_VISIBLE) || // // var animation = // // IS_TEXT_COMPLETED == ? true : false; // } }