import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; class CarouselIndicator extends StatefulWidget { /// width of the indicator final double width; /// height of the indicator final double height; /// space between indicators. final double space; /// count of indicator final int count; /// active color final Color activeColor; /// normal color final Color color; /// use this to give some radius to the corner indicator final double cornerRadius; /// duration for slide animation final int animationDuration; final int index; final Function(int index) onClick; CarouselIndicator({ Key key, this.width: 20.0, this.height: 6, 5.0, this.count, this.cornerRadius: 6, this.animationDuration: 300, this.color: Colors.white30, this.index, this.activeColor: Colors.white, this.onClick }) : assert(count != null && count != 0), assert(index != null && index >= 0), super(key: key); @override State createState() { return new _CarouselIndicatorState(); } } class _CarouselIndicatorState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { /// [Tween] object of type double Tween _tween; /// [AnimationController] object AnimationController _animationController; /// [Aniamtion] object Animation _animation; /// [Paint] object to paint our indicator Paint _paint = new Paint(); /// Method to initilize [BasePainter] to paint indicators. BasePainter _createPainer() { return SlidePainter(widget, _animation.value, _paint); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget child = new SizedBox( width: widget.count * widget.width + (widget.count - 1) *, height: widget.height, child: CustomPaint( painter: _createPainer(), ), ); return InkWell( child: child, onTap: (){ if(widget.onClick != null) widget.onClick(0); }, ); } @override void initState() { /// for initial index=0 we do not want to change any value so setting [_tween] to (0.0,0.0), createAnimation(0.0, 0.0); super.initState(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(CarouselIndicator oldWidget) { if (widget.index != oldWidget.index) { if (widget.index != 0) { _animationController.reset(); /// for each new index we want to change value so setting [_tween] to (oldWidget.index,widget.index) so animation tween from old position to new position rather not start from 0.0 again and again. createAnimation(oldWidget.index.toDouble(), widget.index.toDouble()); _animationController.forward(); } else { _animationController.reset(); createAnimation(oldWidget.index.toDouble(), 0.0); _animationController.forward(); } } super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override void dispose() { _animationController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } void createAnimation(double begin, double end) { _tween = Tween(begin: begin, end: end); _animationController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.animationDuration)); _animation = _tween.animate(_animationController) ..addListener(() { setState(() {}); }); } } /// Base Painter class to draw indicator abstract class BasePainter extends CustomPainter { final CarouselIndicator widget; final double page; final Paint _paint; BasePainter(this.widget,, this._paint); /// This method will get body to class extending [BasePainter] and this method will draw the sliding indicator which slide over changing index. void draw(Canvas canvas, double space, double width, double height, double radius, double cornerRadius); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { _paint.color = widget.color; double space =; double width = widget.width; double height = widget.height; double distance = width + space; double radius = width / 2; for (int i = 0, c = widget.count; i < c; ++i) { canvas.drawRRect( RRect.fromRectAndRadius( Rect.fromCenter( center: Offset((i * distance) + radius, radius), width: width, height: height), Radius.circular(widget.cornerRadius)), _paint); } _paint.color = widget.activeColor; draw(canvas, space, width, height, radius, widget.cornerRadius); } @override bool shouldRepaint(BasePainter oldDelegate) { return != page; } } /// This class we draw the indicator which slides. class SlidePainter extends BasePainter { SlidePainter(CarouselIndicator widget, double page, Paint paint) : super(widget, page, paint); @override void draw(Canvas canvas, double space, double width, double height, double radius, double cornerRadius) { canvas.drawRRect( RRect.fromRectAndRadius( Rect.fromCenter( center: Offset(radius + (page * (width + space)), radius), width: width, height: height), Radius.circular(cornerRadius)), _paint); } }