You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
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// import 'dart:convert';
// import 'dart:core';
// import 'dart:io';
// import 'dart:isolate';
// import 'dart:math';
// import 'dart:ui';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/config/shared_pref_kay.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/model/geofencing/requests/GeoZonesRequestModel.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/model/geofencing/requests/LogGeoZoneRequestModel.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/model/geofencing/responses/GeoZonesResponseModel.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/core/service/geofencing/GeofencingServices.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/locator.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/uitl/LocalNotification.dart';
// import 'package:diplomaticquarterapp/uitl/app_shared_preferences.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
// import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
// import 'package:geofencing/geofencing.dart';
// class HMG_Geofencing {
// var _testTrigger = true;
// static var _isolatePortName = "hmg_geofencing_send_port";
// List<GeoZonesResponseModel> _zones;
// List<String> registeredGeofences = [];
// final AndroidGeofencingSettings androidSettings = AndroidGeofencingSettings(initialTrigger: <GeofenceEvent>[GeofenceEvent.enter, GeofenceEvent.exit, GeofenceEvent.dwell], loiteringDelay: 1000 * 60);
// final BuildContext context;
// final List<GeofenceEvent> triggers = List();
// HMG_Geofencing(this.context) {
// triggers.add(GeofenceEvent.enter);
// triggers.add(GeofenceEvent.exit);
// // triggers.add(GeofenceEvent.dwell);
// }
// Future<HMG_Geofencing> loadZones() async{
// _zones = await locator<GeofencingServices>().getAllGeoZones(GeoZonesRequestModel());
// return this;
// }
// void init() async {
// // debug check (Testing Geo Zones)
// if (kDebugMode) {
// addTestingGeofences();
// }
// _saveZones();
// await GeofencingManager.initialize();
// await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
// _registerIsolatePort();
// _registerGeofences().then((value) {
// print(value.toString());
// if(_testTrigger) {
// var events = [GeofenceEvent.enter,GeofenceEvent.exit];
// events.shuffle();
// transitionTrigger(value, null, events.first);
// }
// });
// }
// void _saveZones() {
// var list = List();
// _zones.forEach((element) {
// list.add(element.toJson());
// });
// var jsonString = jsonEncode(list);
// AppSharedPreferences pref = AppSharedPreferences();
// pref.setString(HMG_GEOFENCES, jsonString);
// }
// Future<List<String>> _registerGeofences() async {
// registeredGeofences = await GeofencingManager.getRegisteredGeofenceIds();
// var maxLimit = Platform.isIOS ? 20 : 100;
// if (registeredGeofences.length < maxLimit) {
// var notRegistered = _zones.where((element) => !(registeredGeofences.contains(element.geofenceId()))).toList();
// for (int i = 0; i < notRegistered.length; i++) {
// var zone = notRegistered.elementAt(i);
// var lat = double.tryParse(zone.latitude);
// var lon = double.tryParse(zone.longitude);
// var rad = double.tryParse(zone.radius.toString());
// if (lat != null || lon != null || rad != null) {
// await GeofencingManager.registerGeofence(GeofenceRegion(zone.geofenceId(), lat, lon, rad, triggers), transitionTrigger);
// registeredGeofences.add(zone.geofenceId());
// if (registeredGeofences.length >= maxLimit) {
// break;
// }
// await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// print("Geofence: ${zone.description} registered");
// } else {
// print("Geofence: ${zone.description} registered");
// }
// }
// }
// return registeredGeofences;
// }
// void addTestingGeofences() {
// _zones.add(GeoZonesResponseModel.get("24.777577,46.652675", 150, "msH"));
// _zones.add(GeoZonesResponseModel.get("24.691136,46.650116", 150, "zkH"));
// _zones.add(GeoZonesResponseModel.get("24.7087913,46.6656461", 150, "csO"));
// }
// static void transitionTrigger(List<String> id, Location location, GeofenceEvent event) {
// var dataToSend = => {"event": event, "geofence_id": element}).toList() ?? [];
// final SendPort send = IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(_isolatePortName);
// send?.send(dataToSend);
// }
// ReceivePort _port = ReceivePort();
// void _registerIsolatePort() async{
// IsolateNameServer.registerPortWithName(_port.sendPort, _isolatePortName);
// _port.listen((dynamic data) {
// Future result = AppSharedPreferences().getStringWithDefaultValue(HMG_GEOFENCES,"[]");
// result.then((jsonString){
// List jsonList = json.decode(jsonString) ?? [];
// List<GeoZonesResponseModel> geoList = => GeoZonesResponseModel().fromJson(e)).toList() ?? [];
// (data as List).forEach((element) async {
// GeofenceEvent geofenceEvent = element["event"];
// String geofence_id = element["geofence_id"];
// GeoZonesResponseModel geoZone = _findByGeofenceFrom(geoList, by: geofence_id);
// if(geoZone != null) {
// LocalNotification.getInstance().showNow(
// title: "GeofenceEvent: ${_nameOf(geofenceEvent)}",
// subtitle: geoZone.description,
// payload: json.encode(geoZone.toJson()));
// _logGeoZoneToServer(zoneId: geoZone.geofId, transition: _idOf(geofenceEvent));
// }
// await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 700));
// });
// });
// });
// }
// _logGeoZoneToServer({int zoneId, int transition}){
// locator<GeofencingServices>()
// .logGeoZone(LogGeoZoneRequestModel(GeoType: transition, PointsID: zoneId ?? 1))
// .then((response){
// }).catchError((error){
// });
// }
// GeoZonesResponseModel _findByGeofenceFrom(List<GeoZonesResponseModel> list, { String by}) {
// var have = list.where((element) => element.geofenceId() == by).toList().first;
// return have;
// }
// String _nameOf(GeofenceEvent event) {
// switch (event) {
// case GeofenceEvent.enter:
// return "Enter";
// case GeofenceEvent.exit:
// return "Exit";
// case GeofenceEvent.dwell:
// return "dWell";
// default:
// return event.toString();
// }
// }
// int _idOf(GeofenceEvent event){
// switch (event) {
// case GeofenceEvent.enter:
// return 1;
// case GeofenceEvent.exit:
// return 2;
// case GeofenceEvent.dwell:
// return 3;
// default:
// return -1;
// }
// }
// }