You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
6.7 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_error.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_event.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_recognition_result.dart';
import 'package:speech_to_text/speech_to_text.dart';
/// Simplifies interaction with [SpeechToText] by handling all the callbacks and notifying
/// listeners as events happen.
/// Here's an example of using the [SpeechToTextProvider]
/// ```
/// var speechProvider = SpeechToTextProvider( SpeechToText());
/// var available = await speechProvider.initialize();
/// StreamSubscription<SpeechRecognitionEvent> _subscription;
/// _subscription = {
/// if (recognitionEvent.eventType == SpeechRecognitionEventType.finalRecognitionEvent ) {
/// print("I heard: ${recognitionEvent.recognitionResult.recognizedWords}");
/// }
/// });
/// speechProvider.addListener(() {
/// var words = speechProvider.lastWords;
/// });
class SpeechToTextProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
final StreamController<SpeechRecognitionEvent> _recognitionController =
final SpeechToText _speechToText;
SpeechRecognitionResult _lastResult;
double _lastLevel = 0;
List<LocaleName> _locales = [];
LocaleName _systemLocale;
/// Only construct one instance in an application.
/// Do not call `initialize` on the [SpeechToText] that is passed as a parameter, instead
/// call the [initialize] method on this class.
Stream<SpeechRecognitionEvent> get stream =>;
/// Returns the last result received, may be null.
SpeechRecognitionResult get lastResult => _lastResult;
/// Returns the last error received, may be null.
SpeechRecognitionError get lastError => _speechToText.lastError;
/// Returns the last sound level received.
/// Note this is only available when the `soundLevel` is set to true on
/// a call to [listen], will be 0 at all other times.
double get lastLevel => _lastLevel;
/// Initializes the provider and the contained [SpeechToText] instance.
/// Returns true if [SpeechToText] was initialized successful and can now
/// be used, false otherwse.
Future<bool> initialize() async {
if (isAvailable) {
return isAvailable;
bool availableBefore = _speechToText.isAvailable;
bool available =
await _speechToText.initialize(onStatus: _onStatus, onError: _onError);
if (available) {
_locales = [];
_locales.addAll(await _speechToText.locales());
_systemLocale = await _speechToText.systemLocale();
if (availableBefore != available) {
return available;
/// Returns true if the provider has been initialized and can be used to recognize speech.
bool get isAvailable => _speechToText.isAvailable;
/// Returns true if the provider cannot be used to recognize speech, either because it has not
/// yet been initialized or because initialization failed.
bool get isNotAvailable => !_speechToText.isAvailable;
/// Returns true if [SpeechToText] is listening for new speech.
bool get isListening => _speechToText.isListening;
/// Returns true if [SpeechToText] is not listening for new speech.
bool get isNotListening => _speechToText.isNotListening;
/// Returns true if [SpeechToText] has a previous error.
bool get hasError => _speechToText.hasError;
/// Returns true if [lastResult] has a last result.
bool get hasResults => null != _lastResult;
/// Returns the list of locales that are available on the device for speech recognition.
List<LocaleName> get locales => _locales;
/// Returns the locale that is currently set as active on the device.
LocaleName get systemLocale => _systemLocale;
/// Start listening for new events, set [partialResults] to true to receive interim
/// recognition results.
/// [soundLevel] set to true to be notified on changes to the input sound level
/// on the microphone.
/// [listenFor] sets the maximum duration that it will listen for, after
/// that it automatically stops the listen for you.
/// [pauseFor] sets the maximum duration of a pause in speech with no words
/// detected, after that it automatically stops the listen for you.
/// Call this only after a successful [initialize] call
void listen(
{bool partialResults = false,
bool soundLevel = false,
Duration listenFor,
Duration pauseFor}) {
_lastLevel = 0;
_lastResult = null;
if (soundLevel) {
partialResults: partialResults,
listenFor: listenFor,
pauseFor: pauseFor,
cancelOnError: true,
onResult: _onListenResult,
// onSoundLevelChange: _onSoundLevelChange);
} else {
partialResults: partialResults,
listenFor: listenFor,
pauseFor: pauseFor,
cancelOnError: true,
onResult: _onListenResult);
/// Stops a current active listening session.
/// Call this after calling [listen] to stop the recognizer from listening further
/// and return the current result as final.
void stop() {
/// Cancel a current active listening session.
/// Call this after calling [listen] to stop the recognizer from listening further
/// and ignore any results recognized so far.
void cancel() {
void _onError(SpeechRecognitionError errorNotification) {
void _onStatus(String status) {
void _onListenResult(SpeechRecognitionResult result) {
_lastResult = result;
? SpeechRecognitionEventType.finalRecognitionEvent
: SpeechRecognitionEventType.partialRecognitionEvent,
// void _onSoundLevelChange(double level) {
// _lastLevel = level;
// _recognitionController.add(SpeechRecognitionEvent(
// SpeechRecognitionEventType.soundLevelChangeEvent,
// null,
// null,
// null,
// level));
// notifyListeners();
// }