You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
8.2 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
// import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flutter_webrtc/flutter_webrtc.dart';
typedef void StreamStateCallback(MediaStream stream);
class Signaling {
Map<String, dynamic> configuration = {
'iceServers': [
'urls': ['', '']
RTCPeerConnection peerConnection;
MediaStream localStream;
MediaStream remoteStream;
String roomId;
String currentRoomText;
StreamStateCallback onAddRemoteStream;
Future<String> createRoom(RTCVideoRenderer remoteRenderer) async {
// FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
// DocumentReference roomRef = db.collection('rooms').doc();
print('Create PeerConnection with configuration: $configuration');
peerConnection = await createPeerConnection(configuration);
localStream.getTracks().forEach((track) {
peerConnection?.addTrack(track, localStream);
// Code for collecting ICE candidates below
// var callerCandidatesCollection = roomRef.collection('callerCandidates');
peerConnection?.onIceCandidate = (RTCIceCandidate candidate) {
print('Got candidate: ${candidate.toMap()}');
// callerCandidatesCollection.add(candidate.toMap());
// Finish Code for collecting ICE candidate
// Add code for creating a room
RTCSessionDescription offer = await peerConnection.createOffer();
await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer);
print('Created offer: $offer');
Map<String, dynamic> roomWithOffer = {'offer': offer.toMap()};
// await roomRef.set(roomWithOffer);
// var roomId =;
print('New room created with SDK offer. Room ID: $roomId');
currentRoomText = 'Current room is $roomId - You are the caller!';
// Created a Room
peerConnection?.onTrack = (RTCTrackEvent event) {
print('Got remote track: ${event.streams[0]}');
event.streams[0].getTracks().forEach((track) {
print('Add a track to the remoteStream $track');
// Listening for remote session description below
// roomRef.snapshots().listen((snapshot) async {
// print('Got updated room: ${}');
// Map<String, dynamic> data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
// if (peerConnection?.getRemoteDescription() != null && data['answer'] != null) {
// var answer = RTCSessionDescription(
// data['answer']['sdp'],
// data['answer']['type'],
// );
// print("Someone tried to connect");
// await peerConnection?.setRemoteDescription(answer);
// }
// });
// // Listening for remote session description above
// // Listen for remote Ice candidates below
// roomRef.collection('calleeCandidates').snapshots().listen((snapshot) {
// snapshot.docChanges.forEach((change) {
// if (change.type == DocumentChangeType.added) {
// Map<String, dynamic> data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
// print('Got new remote ICE candidate: ${jsonEncode(data)}');
// peerConnection.addCandidate(
// RTCIceCandidate(
// data['candidate'],
// data['sdpMid'],
// data['sdpMLineIndex'],
// ),
// );
// }
// });
// });
// Listen for remote ICE candidates above
return roomId;
Future<void> joinRoom(String roomId, RTCVideoRenderer remoteVideo) async {
// FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
// DocumentReference roomRef = db.collection('rooms').doc('$roomId');
// var roomSnapshot = await roomRef.get();
// print('Got room ${roomSnapshot.exists}');
// if (roomSnapshot.exists) {
// print('Create PeerConnection with configuration: $configuration');
// peerConnection = await createPeerConnection(configuration);
// registerPeerConnectionListeners();
// localStream.getTracks().forEach((track) {
// peerConnection?.addTrack(track, localStream);
// });
// // Code for collecting ICE candidates below
// // var calleeCandidatesCollection = roomRef.collection('calleeCandidates');
// peerConnection.onIceCandidate = (RTCIceCandidate candidate) {
// if (candidate == null) {
// print('onIceCandidate: complete!');
// return;
// }
// print('onIceCandidate: ${candidate.toMap()}');
// // calleeCandidatesCollection.add(candidate.toMap());
// };
// // Code for collecting ICE candidate above
// peerConnection?.onTrack = (RTCTrackEvent event) {
// print('Got remote track: ${event.streams[0]}');
// event.streams[0].getTracks().forEach((track) {
// print('Add a track to the remoteStream: $track');
// remoteStream?.addTrack(track);
// });
// };
// // Code for creating SDP answer below
// var data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
// print('Got offer $data');
// var offer = data['offer'];
// await peerConnection?.setRemoteDescription(
// RTCSessionDescription(offer['sdp'], offer['type']),
// );
// var answer = await peerConnection.createAnswer();
// print('Created Answer $answer');
// await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer);
// Map<String, dynamic> roomWithAnswer = {
// 'answer': {'type': answer.type, 'sdp': answer.sdp}
// };
// await roomRef.update(roomWithAnswer);
// // Finished creating SDP answer
// // Listening for remote ICE candidates below
// // roomRef.collection('callerCandidates').snapshots().listen((snapshot) {
// // snapshot.docChanges.forEach((document) {
// // var data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
// // print(data);
// // print('Got new remote ICE candidate: $data');
// // peerConnection.addCandidate(
// // RTCIceCandidate(
// // data['candidate'],
// // data['sdpMid'],
// // data['sdpMLineIndex'],
// // ),
// // );
// // });
// // });
// }
Future<void> openUserMedia(
RTCVideoRenderer localVideo,
RTCVideoRenderer remoteVideo,
) async {
var stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({'video': true, 'audio': false});
localVideo.srcObject = stream;
localStream = stream;
remoteVideo.srcObject = await createLocalMediaStream('key');
Future<void> hangUp(RTCVideoRenderer localVideo) async {
List<MediaStreamTrack> tracks = localVideo.srcObject.getTracks();
tracks.forEach((track) {
if (remoteStream != null) {
remoteStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop());
if (peerConnection != null) peerConnection.close();
if (roomId != null) {
// var db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
// var roomRef = db.collection('rooms').doc(roomId);
// var calleeCandidates = await roomRef.collection('calleeCandidates').get();
// => document.reference.delete());
// var callerCandidates = await roomRef.collection('callerCandidates').get();
// => document.reference.delete());
// await roomRef.delete();
void registerPeerConnectionListeners() {
peerConnection?.onIceGatheringState = (RTCIceGatheringState state) {
print('ICE gathering state changed: $state');
peerConnection?.onConnectionState = (RTCPeerConnectionState state) {
print('Connection state change: $state');
peerConnection?.onSignalingState = (RTCSignalingState state) {
print('Signaling state change: $state');
peerConnection?.onIceGatheringState = (RTCIceGatheringState state) {
print('ICE connection state change: $state');
peerConnection?.onAddStream = (MediaStream stream) {
print("Add remote stream");
remoteStream = stream;