import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/config/shared_pref_kay.dart'; import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/models/doctor/list_doctor_working_hours_table_model.dart'; import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/routes.dart'; import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/util/dr_app_shared_pref.dart'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/config/config.dart'; import 'package:html/parser.dart'; import '../config/size_config.dart'; import '../util/dr_app_toast_msg.dart'; import 'package:connectivity/connectivity.dart'; import 'dr_app_shared_pref.dart'; import 'package:doctor_app_flutter/util/translations_delegate_base.dart'; DrAppSharedPreferances sharedPref = new DrAppSharedPreferances(); /* *@author: Elham Rababah *@Date:12/4/2020 *@param: *@return: *@desc: This class will contian some Function will help developer */ class Helpers { int cupertinoPickerIndex = 0; get currentLanguage => null; /* *@author: Elham Rababah *@Date:12/4/2020 *@param: context, items, decKey, onSelectFun *@return: Container Widget *@desc: showCupertinoPicker its a general function to show cupertino picker */ showCupertinoPicker(context, items, decKey, onSelectFun) { showModalBottomSheet( isDismissible: false, context: context, builder: (BuildContext builder) { return Container( // height: 500, height: SizeConfig.realScreenHeight * 0.4, color: Color(0xfff7f7f7), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ Container( color: Color(0xfff7f7f7), child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ CupertinoButton( child: Text(TranslationBase.of(context).cancel, style: textStyle(context)), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); }, ), CupertinoButton( child: Text( TranslationBase.of(context).done, style: textStyle(context), ), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); onSelectFun(cupertinoPickerIndex); }, ) ], ), ), Container( height: SizeConfig.realScreenHeight * 0.3, color: Color(0xfff7f7f7), child: buildPickerItems(context, items, decKey, onSelectFun)) ], ), ); }); } TextStyle textStyle(context) => TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor); /* *@author: Elham Rababah *@Date:12/4/2020 *@param: context, List items, decKey, onSelectFun *@return: Container widget *@desc: buildPickerIterm this function will build the items of the cupertino */ buildPickerItems(context, List items, decKey, onSelectFun) { return CupertinoPicker( magnification: 1.5, scrollController: FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: cupertinoPickerIndex), // backgroundColor: Colors.black87, children: { return Text( '${item["$decKey"]}', style: TextStyle(fontSize: SizeConfig.textMultiplier * 2), ); }).toList(), itemExtent: 25, //height of each item looping: true, onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) { // selectitem =index; cupertinoPickerIndex = index; }, ); } /* *@author: Elham Rababah *@Date:12/4/2020 *@param: msg *@return: *@desc: showErrorToast */ showErrorToast([msg = null]) { String localMsg = generateContactAdminMsg(); if (msg != null) { localMsg = msg.toString(); } DrAppToastMsg.showErrorToast(localMsg); } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:27/4/2020 *@param: *@return: Boolean *@desc: Check The Internet Connection */ static Future checkConnection() async { ConnectivityResult connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity()); if ((connectivityResult == || (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.wifi)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: date in String formatted *@return: DateTime *@desc: convert String to DateTime */ static DateTime convertStringToDate(String date) { const start = "/Date("; const end = "+0300)"; final startIndex = date.indexOf(start); final endIndex = date.indexOf(end, startIndex + start.length); return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch( int.parse( date.substring(startIndex + start.length, endIndex), ), ); } /* *@author: Amjad Amireh *@Date:5/5/2020 *@param: checkDate *@return: DateTime *@desc: convert String to DateTime */ static String checkDate(String dateString) { DateTime checkedTime = DateTime.parse(dateString); DateTime currentTime =; if ((currentTime.year == checkedTime.year) && (currentTime.month == checkedTime.month) && ( == { return "Today"; } else if ((currentTime.year == checkedTime.year) && (currentTime.month == checkedTime.month)) { if (( - == 1) { return "YESTERDAY"; } else if (( - == -1) { return "Tomorrow"; } if (( - <= -2) { return "Next Week"; } else { return "Old Date"; } } return "Old Date"; } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: month in int formatted *@return: DateTime *@desc: convert month in int to month name */ static getMonth(int month) { switch (month) { case 1: return "Jan"; case 2: return "Feb"; case 3: return "Mar"; case 4: return "Apr"; case 5: return "May"; case 6: return "Jun"; case 7: return "Jul"; case 8: return "Aug"; case 9: return "Sep"; case 10: return "Oct"; case 11: return "Nov"; case 12: return "Dec"; } } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: week day in int formatted *@return: DateTime *@desc: convert week day in int to week day name */ static getWeekDay(int weekDay) { switch (weekDay) { case 1: return "Monday"; case 2: return "Tuesday"; case 3: return "Wednesday"; case 4: return "Thursday"; case 5: return "Friday"; case 6: return "Saturday "; case 7: return "Sunday"; } } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: DateTime *@return: data formatted like Apr 26,2020 *@desc: convert DateTime to data formatted */ static String getDate(DateTime dateTime) { print(dateTime); if (dateTime != null) return getMonth(dateTime.month) + " " + + "," + dateTime.year.toString(); else return ""; } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: DateTime *@return: data formatted like 26/4/2020 *@desc: convert DateTime to data formatted */ static String getDateFormatted(DateTime dateTime) { print(dateTime); if (dateTime != null) return + "/" + dateTime.month.toString() + "/" + dateTime.year.toString(); else return ""; } /* *@author: Mohammad Aljammal *@Date:26/5/2020 *@param: String workingHours *@return: List *@desc: convert workingHours string to List */ static List getWorkingHours(String workingHours) { List myWorkingHours = []; List listOfHours = workingHours.split('a'); listOfHours.forEach((element) { WorkingHours workingHours = WorkingHours(); var from = element.substring( element.indexOf('m ') + 2, element.indexOf('To') - 1); workingHours.from = from.trim(); var to = element.substring(element.indexOf('To') + 2); = to.trim(); myWorkingHours.add(workingHours); }); return myWorkingHours; } /* *@author: Elham Rababah *@Date:12/5/2020 *@param: *@return: String *@desc: generate Contact Admin Msg */ generateContactAdminMsg([err = null]) { String localMsg = 'Something wrong happened, please contact the admin'; if (err != null) { localMsg = localMsg + '\n \n' + err.toString(); } return localMsg; } static clearSharedPref() async { await sharedPref.clear(); } logout() async { DEVICE_TOKEN = ""; String lang = await sharedPref.getString(APP_Language); await clearSharedPref(); sharedPref.setString(APP_Language, lang); Navigator.of(AppGlobal.CONTEX).pushReplacementNamed(LOGIN); // TODO Fix it // Navigator.of(AppGlobal.CONTEX).popUntil((ModalRoute.withName(LOGIN))); } String parseHtmlString(String htmlString) { final document = parse(htmlString); final String parsedString = parse(document.body.text).documentElement.text; return parsedString; } static InputDecoration textFieldSelectorDecoration( String hintText, String selectedText, bool isDropDown, {Icon suffixIcon, Color dropDownColor}) { return InputDecoration( focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFCCCCCC), width: 2.0), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), ), enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFCCCCCC), width: 2.0), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), ), disabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFCCCCCC), width: 2.0), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), ), hintText: selectedText != null ? selectedText : hintText, suffixIcon: isDropDown ? suffixIcon != null ? suffixIcon : Icon( Icons.arrow_drop_down, color: dropDownColor != null ? dropDownColor :, ) : null, hintStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 14, color: Colors.grey.shade600, ), ); } static BoxDecoration containerBorderDecoration( Color containerColor, Color borderColor, {double borderWidth = -1}) { return BoxDecoration( color: containerColor, shape: BoxShape.rectangle, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)), border: Border.fromBorderSide(BorderSide( color: borderColor, width: borderWidth == -1 ? 2.0 : borderWidth, )), ); } }