You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.2 KiB

*@author: Ibrahim Albitar
class OrdersRequest {
int visitType;
int admissionNo;
int projectID;
int languageID;
String stamp;
String iPAdress;
int channel;
String tokenID;
String sessionID;
bool isLoginForDoctorApp;
bool patientOutSA;
int patientTypeID;
double versionID;
{this.visitType ,
this.projectID = 12,
this.stamp = '2020-04-23T21:01:21.492Z',
this.languageID = 2,
this.iPAdress = '', = 9,
this.tokenID ,
this.sessionID = "LlBk8lUEJY",
this.isLoginForDoctorApp = true,
this.patientTypeID = 1,
this.versionID = 1.2,
this.patientOutSA = false});
OrdersRequest.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
visitType = json['VisitType'];
admissionNo = json['AdmissionNo'];
projectID = json['ProjectID'];
stamp = json['stamp'];
languageID = json['LanguageID'];
iPAdress = json['IPAdress'];
channel = json['Channel'];
tokenID = json['TokenID'];
sessionID = json['SessionID'];
isLoginForDoctorApp = json['IsLoginForDoctorApp'];
patientOutSA = json['PatientOutSA'];
patientTypeID = json['PatientTypeID'];
versionID = json['VersionID'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['VisitType'] = this.visitType;
data['AdmissionNo'] = this.admissionNo;
data['ProjectID'] = this.projectID;
data['stamp'] = this.stamp;
data['LanguageID'] = this.languageID;
data['IPAdress'] = this.iPAdress;
data['Channel'] =;
data['TokenID'] = this.tokenID;
data['SessionID'] = this.sessionID;
data['IsLoginForDoctorApp'] = this.isLoginForDoctorApp;
data['PatientOutSA'] = this.patientOutSA;
data['PatientTypeID'] = this.patientTypeID;
data['VersionID'] = this.versionID;
return data;