You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
3.8 KiB

import 'package:mohem_flutter_app/ui/marathon/widgets/question_card.dart';
class ApiConsts {
//static String baseUrl = ""; // Local server
// static String baseUrl = ""; // SRCA server
// static String baseUrl = ""; // UAT server
static String baseUrl = ""; // Live server
static String baseUrlServices = baseUrl + "/Services/"; // server
// static String baseUrlServices = ""; // Live server
static String utilitiesRest = baseUrlServices + "Utilities.svc/REST/";
static String authenticationRest = baseUrlServices + "Authentication.svc/REST/";
static String erpRest = baseUrlServices + "ERP.svc/REST/";
static String swpRest = baseUrlServices + "SWP.svc/REST/";
static String user = baseUrlServices + "api/User/";
static String cocRest = baseUrlServices + "COCWS.svc/REST/";
static String chatServerBaseUrl = "";
static String chatServerBaseApiUrl = chatServerBaseUrl + "api/";
static String chatLoginTokenUrl = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "user/";
static String chatHubConnectionUrl = chatServerBaseUrl + "ConnectionChatHub";
static String getGroupByUserId = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "group/getgroupsbyuserid/";
static String deleteGroup = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "group/updateGroupIsDeleted/";
static String updateGroupAdmin = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "group/updateGroupAdmin/";
static String getGroupChatHistoryAsync = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "GroupChat/GetGroupChatHistoryAsync/";
static String addGroupsAndUsers = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "group/addgroupandusers/";
static String updateGroupsAndUsers = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "group/updategroupandusers/";
// static String chatSearchMember = chatLoginTokenUrl + "user/";
static String chatRecentUrl = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "UserChatHistory/"; //For a Mem
static String chatSingleUserHistoryUrl = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "UserChatHistory/";
static String chatMediaImageUploadUrl = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "shared/";
static String chatFavUser = chatServerBaseApiUrl + "FavUser/";
static String chatUserImages = chatServerBaseUrl + "empservice/api/employee/";
//Brain Marathon Constants
static String marathonBaseUrl = "";
static String marathonBaseUrlServices = "";
static String marathonParticipantLoginUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "auth/participantlogin";
static String marathonProjectGetUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "Project/Project_Get";
static String marathonUpcomingUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "marathon/upcoming/";
static String marathonJoinParticipantUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "participant/join";
static String marathonNextQuestionUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "question/next";
static String marathonSubmitAnswerUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "question/submit";
static String marathonQualifiersUrl = marathonBaseUrl + "winner/getWinner/";
static String marathonSelectedWinner = marathonBaseUrl + "winner/getSelectedWinner/";
static String marathonGetMarathonersCount = marathonBaseUrl + "Participant/GetRemainingParticipants";
//DummyCards for the UI
static CardContent dummyQuestion = const CardContent();
static int tabletMinLength = 500;
class SharedPrefsConsts {
static String isRememberMe = "remember_me";
static String username = "username";
static String password = "password";
static String privilegeList = "privilegeList";
static String firebaseToken = "firebaseToken";
static String memberInformation = "memberInformation";
static String welcomeVideoUrl = "welcomeVideoUrl";
static String doNotShowWelcomeVideo = "doNotShowWelcomeVideo";
static String mohemmWifiSSID = "mohemmWifiSSID";
static String mohemmWifiPassword = "mohemmWifiPassword";
static String editItemForSale = "editItemForSale";