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You can join the Marathon", "demoMarathonNoteP2": "5 Minutes", "demoMarathonNoteP3": "before the actual time.", "sponsoredBy": "Sponsored By:", "question": "Question", "marathoners": "Marathoners", "prize": "Prize:", "advancedSearch": "Advanced Search", "openNot": "Open Notifications", "fyi": "FYI Notifications", "toDo": "To Do Notifications", "all": "All Notifications", "meNot": "Notifications from Me", "view": "View", "fromUserName": "From User Name", "sentDate": "Sent Date", "itemTypeDisplayName": "Item Type Display Name", "none": "None", "winnerSelection": "Winner Selection", "qualifiers": "Qualifiers", "getReadyForContest": "Get Ready for the coming contest:", "winnerSelectedRandomly": "The winner will be selected randomly among the qualifiers.", "fingersCrossed": "Fingers Crossed!!!", "congrats": "Congratulations!!!", "otp": "OTP", "verification": "Verification", "resend": "Resend", "codeExpire": "The verification code has been expired", "allQuestionsCorrect": "You have answered all questions correct", "typeheretoreply": "Type here to reply", "favorite": "My Favorites", "searchfromchat": "Search from chat", "yourAnswerCorrect": "Your answer is correct", "youMissedTheQuestion": "You ran out of time. You are out of the game. But you can continue and as a viewer.", "wrongAnswer": "Your answer is Incorrect. You are out of the game. But you can continue and as a viewer.", "oops": "Ooopsss!!!!", "winner": "WINNER", "youWantToLeaveMarathon": "Are you sure you want to go back? You will be out of the contest.", "ourSponsor": "Our Sponsor:", "startingIn": "Starting in" }