You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

865 lines
34 KiB

// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:easy_localization/generate.dart
// ignore_for_file: prefer_single_quotes
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart' show AssetLoader;
class CodegenLoader extends AssetLoader{
const CodegenLoader();
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> load(String fullPath, Locale locale ) {
return Future.value(mapLocales[locale.toString()]);
static const Map<String,dynamic> ar_SA = {
"mohemm": "Mohemm",
"english": "English",
"arabic": "Arabic",
"login": "تسجيل الدخول",
"pleaseEnterLoginDetails": "الرجاء إدخال التفاصيل أدناه لتسجيل الدخول",
"username": "اسم المستخدم",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"welcomeBack": "مرحبا بعودتك",
"wouldYouLikeToLoginWithCurrentUsername": "هل ترغب في تسجيل الدخول باسم المستخدم الحالي؟",
"lastLoginDetails": "تفاصيل تسجيل الدخول الأخير:",
"verificationType": "نوع التحقق:",
"pleaseVerify": "ارجوك تحقق",
"verifyThroughFace": "تحقق من خلال الوجه",
"verifyThroughFingerprint": "تحقق من خلال بصمة الإصبع",
"verifyThroughSMS": "تحقق من خلال الرسائل القصيرة",
"verifyThroughWhatsapp": "تحقق من خلال Whatsapp",
"useAnotherAccount": "استخدم حسابا آخر",
"pleaseEnterTheVerificationCodeSentTo": "الرجاء إدخال رمز التحقق المرسل إلى ",
"theVerificationCodeWillExpireIn": "ستنتهي صلاحية رمز التحقق في ",
"goodMorning": "صباح الخير",
"markAttendance": "علامة الحضور",
"timeLeftToday": "الوقت المتبقي اليوم",
"checkIn": "تحقق في",
"workList": "قائمة العمل",
"leaveBalance": "رصيد الاجازات",
"missingSwipes": "تسجيل بصمة حضور",
"ticketBalance": "رصيد التذكرة",
"other": "آخر",
"services": "خدمات",
"viewAllServices": "عرض جميع الخدمات",
"monthlyAttendance": "الحضور الشهري",
"vacationRule": "حكم اجازة",
"vacationType": "نوع الاجازة",
"startDateT": "تاريخ البدء",
"endDateT": "تاريخ الانتهاء",
"workFromHome": "العمل من المنزل",
"ticketRequest": "طلب تذكرة",
"viewAllOffers": "مشاهدة جميع العروض",
"offers": "عروض & ",
"discounts": "الخصومات",
"newString": "جديد",
"setTheNewPassword": "قم بتعيين كلمة المرور الجديدة",
"typeYourNewPasswordBelow": "اكتب كلمة المرور الجديدة أدناه",
"confirmPassword": "تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"update": "تحديث",
"title": "عنوان",
"home": "الرئيسية",
"mySalary": "راتبي",
"createRequest": "إنشاء طلب",
"forgotPassword": "هل نسيت كلمة السر",
"employeeId": "هوية الموظف",
"loginCodeWillSentToMobileNumber": "الرجاء إدخال معرف الموظف الخاص بك ، وسيتم إرسال رمز تسجيل الدخول إلى رقم هاتفك المحمول",
"changePassword": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
"ok": "موافق",
"confirm": "تؤكد",
"passwordChangedSuccessfully": "تم تغيير الرقم السري بنجاح",
"itemsForSale": "سلع للبيع",
"attendanceDetails": "تفاصيل الحضور",
"order": "الطلبات",
"earlyOut": "الخروج مبكرا",
"shortage": "ساعات التقصير",
"excess": "فائض",
"lateIn": "القدوم المتاخر",
"approvedCheckOut": "اعتماد وقت الخروج",
"approvedCheckIn": "اعتماد وقت الدخول",
"actualCheckOut": "وقت الخروج",
"actualCheckIn": "وقت الدخول",
"present": "حضور",
"pres": "حضور",
"shiftTime": "وقت التناوب",
"absent": "غياب",
"attendance": "الحضور",
"scheduleDays": "ايام العمل",
"offDays": "ايام الراحه",
"nonAnalyzed": "لايوجد تحليل",
"shortageHour": "ساعات التقصير",
"stats": "الحاله",
"completed": "تم اكمال",
"msg": "Hello {} in the {} world ",
"msg_named": "{} are written in the {lang} language",
"clickMe": "Click me",
"doNotUseRecentPassword": "لا تستخدم كلمة مرور حديثة",
"atLeastOneLowercase": "حرف صغير واحد على الأقل",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "حرف كبير واحد على الأقل",
"atLeastOneNumeric": "رقم واحد على الأقل",
"minimum8Characters": "8 أحرف على الأقل",
"doNotAddRepeatingLetters": "لا تقم بإضافة أحرف متكررة",
"itShouldContainSpecialCharacter": "يجب أن يحتوي على طابع خاص",
"confirmPasswordMustMatch": "يجب أن يتطابق تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"sms": "رسالة قصيرة",
"fingerPrint": "بصمة",
"face": "التعرف على الوجه",
"whatsapp": "واتس اب",
"reject": "يرفض",
"approve": "يوافق",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"requestedItems": "العناصر المطلوبة",
"request": "طلب",
"myRequest": "طلبي",
"actions": "أجراءات",
"delegate": "مندوب",
"request_info": "اطلب معلومات",
"attachments": "المرفقات",
"info": "معلومات",
"employeeNumber": "رقم الموظف",
"assignmentNumber": "رقم الواجب",
"employeeName": "اسم الموظف",
"scheduleDate": "تاريخ الجدول الزمني",
"shiftType": "نوع التحول",
"shift": "يحول",
"breakText": "استراحة",
"actualSwipeStart": "بدء التمرير الفعلي",
"actualSwipeEnd": "التمرير الفعلي للنهاية",
"approvedSwipeStart": "وافق انتقاد البدء",
"approvedSwipeStartReason": "تمت الموافقة على سبب بدء التمرير السريع",
"approvedSwipeEnd": "تمت الموافقة على تمرير النهاية",
"approvedSwipeEndReason": "الموافقة على سبب إنهاء التمرير",
"from": "من",
"to": "ل",
"sent": "أرسلت",
"closed": "مغلق",
"id": "هوية شخصية",
"responder": "المستجيب",
"jobTitle": "عنوان وظيفي",
"grade": "درجة",
"jobCategory": "تصنيف الوظيفة",
"category": "فئة",
"employeeEmailAddress": "عنوان البريد الإلكتروني للموظف",
"payrollBranch": "فرع الرواتب",
"yourChangeHasBeenSavedSuccessfully": "تم حفظ التغيير الخاص بك بنجاح",
"code": "شفرة",
"unit": "وحدة",
"quantity": "كمية",
"dateRequired": "التاريخ مطلوب",
"lineStatus": "حالة الخط",
"statusDate": "تاريخ الحالة",
"transactionType": "نوع المعاملة",
"operatingUnit": "وحدة التشغيل",
"organizationCode": "كود المنظمة",
"organization": "منظمة",
"fromSubInventory": "من الجرد الفرعي",
"fromLocator": "من محدد المواقع",
"toSubInventory": "إلى الجرد الفرعي",
"toLocator": "إلى محدد المواقع",
"shipToLocator": "شحن إلى محدد المواقع",
"itemHistory": "تاريخ العنصر",
"mfg": "مبدع",
"lineType": "نوع الخط",
"price": "السعر",
"lineAmount": "مبلغ الخط",
"lineDiscount": "خصم الخط٪",
"needByDate": "القادمة إلى الأمام",
"promisedDate": "التسجيل وعد",
"deliverToLocation": "تسليم إلى الموقع",
"requisitionNumber": "رقم الطلب",
"requester": "مقدم الطلب",
"quotationAnalysis": "تحليل الاقتباس",
"subject": "موضوعات",
"description": "وصف",
"supplier": "المورد",
"site": "موقع",
"buyer": "مشتر",
"preparer": "معد",
"creationDate": "تاريخ الإنشاء",
"shipToLocation": "الشحن الى الموقع",
"quotationNumber": "رقم الإقتباس",
"quotationDate": "تاريخ الاقتباس",
"paymentTerms": "شروط الدفع",
"currency": "عملة",
"grossAmount": "المبلغ الإجمالي",
"discountAmount": "مقدار الخصم",
"customDuty": "الرسوم الجمركية",
"shipHandle": "مقبض السفينة",
"otherCharges": "رسوم أخرى",
"totalPOAmountWithVAT": "إجمالي مبلغ الشراء مع ضريبة القيمة المضافة",
"totalPOAmountInWords": "إجمالي مبلغ أمر الشراء بالكلمات",
"requestNumber": "رقم الطلب",
"uom": "UOM",
"operatingCode": "كود التشغيل",
"poNumber": "PO عدد",
"revision": "مراجعة",
"quantityOrdered": "الكمية المطلوبة",
"quantityReceived": "الكمية المستلمة",
"bonusQuantity": "كمية المكافأة",
"purchasePrice": "سعر الشراء",
"discountPer": "خصم ٪",
"balanceQuantity": "كمية التوازن",
"netPrice": "السعر الصافي",
"closureStatus": "حالة الإغلاق",
"quotationNetPrice": "صافي سعر الاقتباس",
"quotationUOM": "اقتباس UOM",
"quotationQty": "اقتباس الكمية",
"itemCode": "رمز الصنف",
"vendorName": "اسم البائع",
"quotationMFGPartNumber": "رقم الجزء MFG الاقتباس",
"quotationDeliveryDate": "تاريخ تسليم عرض الأسعار",
"quotationBonusQuantity": "كمية مكافأة الاقتباس",
"quotationLineTotal": "مجموع خط الاقتباس",
"rfqUOM": "RFQ UOM",
"rfqQty": "RFQ الكمية",
"rfqNumber": "رقم RFQ",
"human": "بشري",
"resources": "موارد",
"details": "تفاصيل",
"noDataAvailable": "لا تتوافر بيانات",
"productName": "اسم المنتج",
"productDescription": "وصف المنتج",
"unitPrice": "سعر الوحده",
"manufacturerName": "اسم المصنع",
"manufacturerPartName": "اسم جزء الشركة المصنعة",
"supplierName": "اسم المورد",
"supplierContact": "الاتصال بالمورد",
"chargeToPatient": "المسؤول عن المريض",
"justification": "التبرير",
"itemDescription": "وصف السلعة",
"groupCode": "كود المجموعة",
"primaryUOM": "UOM الابتدائية",
"subgroupDescription": "وصف المجموعة الفرعية",
"subgroupCode": "رمز المجموعة الفرعية",
"groupDescription": "وصف المجموعة",
"templateName": "اسم القالب",
"itemCreationStatus": "حالة إنشاء العنصر",
"standardizationApprovalStatus": "حالة الموافقة على التقييس",
"standardizationApprovalRejectionReason": "سبب رفض الموافقة على التقييس",
"analyzedBy": "تحليل بواسطة",
"approvedDate": "تاريخ الموافقة",
"itemType": "نوع العنصر",
"relatedTo": "متعلق ب",
"requestDate": "تاريخ الطلب",
"analyzedDate": "تاريخ التحليل",
"urgent": "العاجلة",
"requestDetails": "طلب تفاصيل",
"approvalLevel": "مستوى الموافقة",
"requesterDetails": "تفاصيل مقدم الطلب",
"myAttendance": "حضوري",
"workOnBreak": "التعويض عن العمل اثناءالاستراحه",
"next": "التالي",
"apply": "يتقدم",
"mobile": "التليفون المحمول",
"completingYear": "نحن نقدر لك لاستكمال خدمة",
"year": "سنة",
"month": "شهر",
"day": "يوم",
"address": "العنوان",
"phoneNumber": "رقم الجوال",
"businessGroup": "مجموعة العمل",
"Payroll": "الراتب",
"civilIdentityNumber": "رقم الهويه",
"dateOfBirth": "تاريخ الميلاد",
"maritalStatus ": "الحالة الاجتماعية",
"fullName": "الأسم الكامل",
"remove": "حذف",
"submit": "ارسال",
"areYouSureYouWantToSubmit": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد أن تقدم؟",
"comments": "تعليقات",
"writeComment": "أكتب تعليقا",
"approversList": "قائمة الموافقين",
"yourRequestHasBeenSubmittedForApprovals": "تم تقديم طلبك للموافقات",
"monthlyPaySlip": "قسيمة الراتب الشهرية",
"particular": "خاص",
"earnings": "أرباح",
"deductions": "الخصومات",
"paymentMethodName": "اسم طريقة الدفع",
"bankName": "اسم البنك",
"branchCode": "رمز الفرع",
"accountNo": "رقم الحساب",
"summaryOfInformation": "ملخص المعلومات",
"totalPayAmount": "المبلغ الإجمالي للدفع",
"paymentInformation": "معلومات الدفع",
"performance": "تقييم الاداء",
"performanceEvaluation": "تقييم الأداء في",
"performanceEvaluationIn": "تقييم أدائك في",
"valuationIn": "تقييم الأداء في",
"amount": "مقدار",
"correctCurrentDatails": "تعديل او اكمال التفاصيل الحالية",
"selectType": " حدد نوع التغيير الذي تريد القيام به",
"enterNewInfo": " أدخل معلومات جديدة بسبب تغيير حقيقي في التفاصيل الحالية (على سبيل المثال بسبب تغيير في الحالة الاجتماعية",
"endDate": "تاريخ الانتهاء",
"removeThisMember": "هل انت متأكد تريد ازالة هذا العضو؟",
"updateThisMember ": "هل انت متأكد تريد تحديث بيانات هذا العضو؟",
"addNewFamilyMember": "اضافة عضو جديد",
"addRow": "اضافة صف جديد",
"pleaseSelect": "الرجاء اختيار",
"delete": "حذف",
"edit": "تعديل",
"add": "اضافه",
"myProfile": "معلوماتي",
"mowadhafhi": "موظفي",
"searchAnnouncements": "بحث الاعلانات",
"announcements": "اعلانات",
"swipeRequest": "طلب تسجيل حضور",
"serviceType": "نوع الخدمه",
"departmentName": "اسم القسم",
"selectDepartment": "اختر القسم",
"relatedSection": "قسم ذو صله",
"selectSection": "اختيار القسم",
"relatedTopic": "عنوان ذو صله",
"selectTopic": "اختر العنوان",
"supportingDocument": "ارفاق مستند",
"mowadhafhiRequest": "طلب موظفي",
"ticketReference": "مرجع التذكره",
"section": "القسم",
"topic": "العنوان",
"actionBy": "الرد بواسطة",
"pending": "معلق",
"pendingTransactions": "المعاملات المعلقه",
"selectRequestType": "الرجاء اختيار نوع الطلب",
"dateFrom": "من تاريخ",
"dateTo": "الى تاريخ",
"requestName": "اسم الطلب",
"createdFor": "انشاء لأجل",
"requestCreatedSuccessfully": "تم انشاء الطلب بنجاح",
"search": "بحث",
"wantToReject": "هل انت متأكد تريد الرفض",
"requestType": "نوع الطلب",
"employeeDigitalID": "هويةالموظف الرقمية",
"businessCard": "بطاقة العمل",
"viewBusinessCard": "عرض بطاقة العمل",
"logout": "تسجيل خروج",
"checkOut": "وقت الخروج",
"regular": "منتظم",
"mark": "علامة",
"selectMethodOfAttendance": "اختر طريقة تسجيل الحضور",
"comeNearHMGWifi": "HMG wifi من فضلك اقترب من",
"deliverNotificationToMeRegardless": "تسليم الإخطارات إلي بغض النظر عن أي قواعد عامة",
"close": "أغلق",
"respond": "يرد",
"vacationRuleAdded": "تمت إضافة قاعدة الإجازة",
"selectTypeT": "اختر صنف",
"notification": "تنبيه",
"selectNotification": "حدد إعلام",
"ifAllSelectedYouWillSkip": "* إذا تم تحديد الكل ، فستنتقل إلى الخطوة 3",
"applyForVacationRule": "التقدم بطلب للحصول على قانون الإجازة",
"step1": "الخطوة 1",
"step2": "الخطوة 2",
"step3": "الخطوه 3",
"message": "رسالة",
"writeAMessage": "اكتب رسالة",
"notificationReassign": "إعادة تعيين الإخطار",
"selectEmployee": "حدد الموظف",
"searchEmployeeForReplacement": "ابحث عن موظف بديل",
"searchForEmployee": "ابحث عن موظف",
"pleaseSpecifyEndTime": "الرجاء تحديد وقت الانتهاء",
"pleaseSelectNotificationReassign": "يرجى تحديد إعادة تعيين الإخطار",
"pleaseSelectEmployeeForReplacement": "الرجاء تحديد موظف للاستبدال",
"pleaseSelectAction": "الرجاء تحديد الإجراء",
"pleaseSelectDate": "الرجاء تحديد التاريخ",
"todayAttendance": "حضور اليوم",
"viewAttendance": "عرض الحضور",
"teamMembers": "اعضاءالفريق",
"profileDetails": "الملف الشخصي",
"noResultsFound": "لايوجد نتائج",
"searchBy": "بحث بواسطة",
"myTeamMembers": "اعضاء فريقي",
"save": "حفظ",
"TurnNotificationsFor": "تفعيل الاشعارات",
"worklistSettings": "اعدادات الاشعارات",
"absenceType": "نوع الغياب",
"absenceCategory": "فئة الغياب",
"days": "أيام",
"hours": "ساعات",
"approvalStatus": "حالة القبول",
"absenceStatus": "حالة الغياب",
"subordinateLeave": "إجازة التابعيين",
"numberDays": "عدد الأيام",
"poweredBy": "مشغل بواسطة",
"cloudSolutions": "حلول السحابة",
"selectTemplate": "حدد قالب",
"myPostedAds": "إعلاناتي المنشورة",
"browseCategories": "تصفح الفئات",
"searchItems": "عناصر البحث",
"offerAndDiscounts": "العروض والخصومات",
"offerValid": "العرض صالح",
"offerExpired": "انتهى العرض",
"whatAreYouOffering": "ما الذي تعرضه؟",
"selectCategory": "اختر الفئة",
"inProgress": "في تَقَدم",
"locked": "مقفل",
"addDetails": "أضف التفاصيل",
"reviewAndSell": "مراجعة وبيع",
"itemTitle": "عنوان البند",
"itemCondition": "حالة السلعة",
"used": "تستخدم",
"region": "منطقة",
"selectRegion": "اختر المنطقة",
"itemPrice": "سعر السلعة",
"itemPhotos": "صور البند",
"itemInfo": "معلومات العنصر",
"profile": {
"reset_password": {
"label": "Reset Password",
"username": "Username",
"password": "password"
"profileCompletionPer": "استكمال الملف الشخصي",
"completeProfile": "الملف الشخصي الكامل",
"personalInformation": "معلومات شخصية",
"basicDetails": "تفاصيل أساسية",
"address": "تبوك",
"contactDetails": "بيانات التواصل",
"familyDetails": "تفاصيل عائلية",
"effectiveDate": "تاريخ النفاذ",
"country": "دولة"
"clicked": {
"zero": "You clicked {} times!",
"one": "You clicked {} time!",
"two": "You clicked {} times!",
"few": "You clicked {} times!",
"many": "You clicked {} times!",
"other": "You clicked {} times!"
"gender": {
"male": "Hi man ;) ",
"female": "Hello girl :)",
"with_arg": {
"male": "Hi man ;) {}",
"female": "Hello girl :) {}"
"reset_locale": "Reset Language"
static const Map<String,dynamic> en_US = {
"mohemm": "Mohemm",
"english": "English",
"arabic": "Arabic",
"login": "Login",
"pleaseEnterLoginDetails": "Please enter the detail below to login",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"welcomeBack": "Welcome back",
"wouldYouLikeToLoginWithCurrentUsername": "Would you like to login with current Username?",
"lastLoginDetails": "Last Login Details:",
"verificationType": "Verification Type:",
"pleaseVerify": "Please Verify",
"verifyThroughFace": "Verify Through Face",
"verifyThroughFingerprint": "Verify Through Fingerprint",
"verifyThroughSMS": "Verify Through SMS",
"verifyThroughWhatsapp": "Verify Through Whatsapp",
"useAnotherAccount": "Use Another Account",
"pleaseEnterTheVerificationCodeSentTo": "Please enter the verification code sent to ",
"theVerificationCodeWillExpireIn": "The verification code will expire in ",
"goodMorning": "Good Morning",
"markAttendance": "Mark Attendance",
"timeLeftToday": "Time Left Today",
"checkIn": "Check In",
"workList": "Work List",
"leaveBalance": "Leave Balance",
"missingSwipes": "Missing Swipes",
"ticketBalance": "Ticket Balance",
"other": "Other",
"services": "Services",
"viewAllServices": "View All Services",
"monthlyAttendance": "Monthly Attendance",
"vacationRule": "Vacation Rule",
"vacationType": "Vacation Type",
"startDateT": "Start Date",
"endDateT": "End Date",
"workFromHome": "Work From Home",
"ticketRequest": "Ticket Request",
"viewAllOffers": "View All Offers",
"offers": "Offers & ",
"discounts": "Discounts",
"newString": "New",
"setTheNewPassword": "Set the new password",
"typeYourNewPasswordBelow": "Type your new password below",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"update": "Update",
"title": "Title",
"home": "Home",
"mySalary": "My Salary",
"createRequest": "Create Request",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot Password",
"employeeId": "Employee ID",
"loginCodeWillSentToMobileNumber": "Please Enter your Employee ID, A login code will be sent to your mobile number",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"ok": "OK",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"passwordChangedSuccessfully": "Password changed successfully",
"itemsForSale": "Items for Sale",
"attendanceDetails": "Attendance Details",
"order": "order",
"earlyOut": "Early Out",
"shortage": "Shortage",
"excess": "Excess",
"lateIn": "Late In",
"approvedCheckOut": "Approved Check Out",
"approvedCheckIn": "Approved Check In",
"actualCheckOut": "Actual Check Out",
"actualCheckIn": "Actual Check In",
"present": "PRESENT",
"pres": "present",
"shiftTime": "Shift Time",
"absent": "ABSENT",
"attendance": "Attendance",
"scheduleDays": "Schedule\nDays",
"offDays": "Off\nDays",
"nonAnalyzed": "Non\nAnalyzed",
"shortageHour": "Shortage\nHour",
"stats": "Stats",
"completed": "Completed",
"doNotUseRecentPassword": "Do not use recent password",
"atLeastOneLowercase": "At least one lowercase",
"atLeastOneUppercase": "At least one uppercase",
"atLeastOneNumeric": "At least one numeric",
"minimum8Characters": "Minimum 8 characters",
"doNotAddRepeatingLetters": "Do not add repeating letters",
"itShouldContainSpecialCharacter": "It should contain special character",
"confirmPasswordMustMatch": "Confirm password must match",
"sms": "SMS",
"fingerPrint": "Fingerprint",
"face": "Face",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
"reject": "Reject",
"approve": "Approve",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"requestedItems": "Requested Items",
"request": "Request",
"myRequest": "My Request",
"actions": "Actions",
"delegate": "Delegate",
"request_info": "Request Info",
"attachments": "Attachments",
"info": "Info.",
"employeeNumber": "Employee Number",
"assignmentNumber": "Assignment Number",
"employeeName": "Employee Name",
"scheduleDate": "Schedule Date",
"shiftType": "Shift Type",
"shift": "Shift",
"breakText": "Break",
"actualSwipeStart": "Actual Swipe Start",
"actualSwipeEnd": "Actual Swipe End",
"approvedSwipeStart": "Approved Swipe Start",
"approvedSwipeStartReason": "Approved Swipe Start Reason",
"approvedSwipeEnd": "Approved Swipe End",
"approvedSwipeEndReason": "Approved Swipe End Reason",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"sent": "Sent",
"closed": "Closed",
"id": "ID",
"responder": "Responder",
"jobTitle": "Job Title",
"grade": "Grade",
"jobCategory": "Job Category",
"category": "Category",
"employeeEmailAddress": "Employee Email Address",
"payrollBranch": "Payroll Branch",
"yourChangeHasBeenSavedSuccessfully": "Your change has been saved successfully",
"code": "Code",
"unit": "Unit",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"dateRequired": "Date Required",
"lineStatus": "Line Status",
"statusDate": "Status Date",
"transactionType": "Transaction Type",
"operatingUnit": "Operating Unit",
"organizationCode": "Organization Code",
"organization": "Organization",
"fromSubInventory": "From Sub Inventory",
"fromLocator": "From Locator",
"toSubInventory": "To Sub Inventory",
"toLocator": "To Locator",
"shipToLocator": "Ship To Locator",
"itemHistory": "Item History",
"mfg": "MFG",
"lineType": "Line Type",
"price": "Price",
"lineAmount": "Line Amount",
"lineDiscount": "Line Discount %",
"needByDate": "Need By Date",
"promisedDate": "Promised Date",
"deliverToLocation": "Deliver To Location",
"requisitionNumber": "Requisition Number",
"requester": "Requester",
"subject": "Subject",
"quotationAnalysis": "Quotation Analysis",
"description": "Description",
"supplier": "Supplier",
"site": "Site",
"buyer": "Buyer",
"preparer": "Preparer",
"creationDate": "Creation Date",
"shipToLocation": "Ship To Location",
"quotationNumber": "Quotation Number",
"quotationDate": "Quotation Date",
"paymentTerms": "Payment Terms",
"currency": "Currency",
"grossAmount": "Gross Amount",
"discountAmount": "Discount Amount",
"customDuty": "Custom Duty",
"shipHandle": "Ship Handle",
"otherCharges": "Other Charges",
"totalPOAmountWithVAT": "Total PO Amount With VAT",
"totalPOAmountInWords": "Total PO Amount In Words",
"requestNumber": "Request Number",
"uom": "UOM",
"operatingCode": "Operating Code",
"poNumber": "PO Number",
"revision": "Revision",
"quantityOrdered": "Quantity Ordered",
"quantityReceived": "Quantity Received",
"bonusQuantity": "Bonus Quantity",
"purchasePrice": "Purchase Price",
"discountPer": "Discount %",
"balanceQuantity": "Balance Quantity",
"netPrice": "Net Price",
"closureStatus": "Closure Status",
"quotationNetPrice": "Quotation Net Price",
"quotationUOM": "Quotation UOM",
"quotationQty": "Quotation Qty",
"itemCode": "item Code",
"vendorName": "Vendor Name",
"quotationMFGPartNumber": "Quotation MFG Part Number",
"quotationDeliveryDate": "Quotation Delivery Date",
"quotationBonusQuantity": "Quotation Bonus Quantity",
"quotationLineTotal": "Quotation Line Total",
"rfqUOM": "RFQ UOM",
"rfqQty": "RFQ Qty",
"rfqNumber": "RFQ Number",
"msg": "Hello {} in the {} world ",
"msg_named": "{} are written in the {lang} language",
"clickMe": "Click me",
"human": "Human",
"resources": "Resources",
"details": "Details",
"noDataAvailable": "No Data Available",
"productName": "Product Name",
"productDescription": "Product Description",
"unitPrice": "Unit Price",
"manufacturerName": "Manufacturer Name",
"manufacturerPartName": "Manufacturer Part Name",
"supplierName": "Supplier Name",
"supplierContact": "Supplier Contact",
"chargeToPatient": "Charge To Patient",
"justification": "Justification",
"itemDescription": "Item Description",
"groupCode": "Group Code",
"primaryUOM": "Primary UOM",
"subgroupDescription": "Subgroup Description",
"subgroupCode": "Subgroup Code",
"groupDescription": "Group Description",
"templateName": "Template Name",
"itemCreationStatus": "Item Creation Status",
"standardizationApprovalStatus": "Standardization Approval Status",
"standardizationApprovalRejectionReason": "Standardization Approval Rejection Reason",
"analyzedBy": "Analyzed By",
"approvedDate": "Approved Date",
"itemType": "Item Type",
"relatedTo": "Related To",
"requestDate": "Request Date",
"analyzedDate": "Analyzed Date",
"urgent": "Urgent",
"requestDetails": "Request Details",
"approvalLevel": "Approval Level",
"requesterDetails": "Requester Details",
"myAttendance": "My Attendance",
"workOnBreak": "Work On Break",
"next": "Next",
"apply": "Apply",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"year": "Year",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"completingYear": "We appreciate you for completing the service of",
"address": "Address",
"phoneNumber": "Phone Number",
"businessGroup": "Business",
"Payroll": "Payroll",
"civilIdentityNumber": "Civil Identity Number",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of Birth",
"maritalStatus ": "Marital Status ",
"fullName": "Full Name",
"remove": "Remove",
"Attendance": "Attendance",
"submit": "Submit",
"areYouSureYouWantToSubmit": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"comments": "Comments",
"writeComment": "Write a comment",
"approversList": "Approvers List",
"yourRequestHasBeenSubmittedForApprovals": "Your request has been submitted for approvals",
"monthlyPaySlip": "Monthly Pay Slip",
"particular": "Particular",
"earnings": "Earnings",
"deductions": "Deductions",
"paymentMethodName": "Payment Method Name",
"bankName": "Bank Name",
"branchCode": "Branch Code",
"accountNo": "Account No",
"summaryOfInformation": "Summary of Information",
"totalPayAmount": "Total Pay Amount",
"paymentInformation": "Payment Information",
"amount": "Amount",
"correctCurrentDatails": "correct or complete the current details",
"selectType": "Select the type of change you want to make",
"enterNewInfo": "Enter new Information because of a real change to the current details (e.g because of a change in marital status)",
"endDate": "*End Date",
"removeThisMember": "Are You Sure You Want to Remove this Member?",
"updateThisMember": "Are You Sure You Want to Update this Member?",
"addNewFamilyMember": "Add New Family Member",
"addRow": "Add new row",
"pleaseSelect": "Please Select *",
"delete": "delete",
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"myProfile": "My Profile",
"mowadhafhi": "Mowadhafhi",
"searchAnnouncements": "Search Announcements",
"announcements": "Announcements",
"swipeRequest": "Swipe Request",
"serviceType": "Service Type",
"departmentName": "Department Name",
"selectDepartment": "Select Department",
"relatedSection": "Related Section",
"selectSection": "Select Section",
"relatedTopic": "Related Topic",
"selectTopic": "Select Topic",
"supportingDocument": "Supporting Document",
"mowadhafhiRequest": "Mowadhafhi Request",
"ticketReference": "Ticket Reference",
"section": "Section",
"topic": "Topic",
"actionBy": "Action By",
"pendingTransactions": "Pending Transactions",
"selectRequestType": "Please select request type",
"dateFrom": "Date From",
"dateTo": "Date To",
"requestName": "Request Name",
"createdFor": "Created For",
"requestType": "Request Type",
"requestCreatedSuccessfully": "Request created successfully",
"search": "Search",
"wantToReject": "Are you sure want to reject?",
"employeeDigitalID": "Employee Digital ID",
"businessCard": "Business Card",
"checkOut": "Check Out",
"regular": "Regular",
"mark": "Mark",
"performance": "Performance Evaluation",
"performanceEvaluationIn": "Your performance Evaluation in",
"valuationIn": "Performance Evaluation in",
"viewBusinessCard": "View Business Card",
"performanceEvaluation": "Performance Evaluation",
"logout": "Logout",
"selectMethodOfAttendance": "Select the method to mark the attendance",
"comeNearHMGWifi": "Please come near to HMG wifi",
"deliverNotificationToMeRegardless": "Deliver notifications to me regardless of any general rules",
"close": "Close",
"respond": "Respond",
"vacationRuleAdded": "Vacation rule added",
"selectTypeT": "Select Type",
"notification": "Notification",
"selectNotification": "Select Notification",
"ifAllSelectedYouWillSkip": "*If All is selected, you will skip to step 3",
"applyForVacationRule": "Apply for Vacation Rule",
"step1": "Step 1",
"step2": "Step 2",
"step3": "Step 3",
"message": "Message",
"writeAMessage": "Write a message",
"notificationReassign": "Notification Reassign",
"selectEmployee": "Select Employee",
"searchEmployeeForReplacement": "Search employee for replacement",
"searchForEmployee": "Search for Employee",
"pleaseSpecifyEndTime": "Please specify End Time",
"pleaseSelectNotificationReassign": "Please select notification reassign",
"pleaseSelectEmployeeForReplacement": "Please select employee for replacement",
"pleaseSelectAction": "Please select action",
"pleaseSelectDate": "Please select date",
"todayAttendance": "Today's Attendance",
"viewAttendance": "View Attendance",
"teamMembers": "Team Members",
"profileDetails": "Profile Details",
"noResultsFound": "No Results Found",
"searchBy": "Search by",
"myTeamMembers": "My Team Members",
"save": "Save",
"TurnNotificationsFor": "Turn on notifications for",
"worklistSettings": "Worklist Settings",
"absenceType": "Absence Type",
"absenceCategory": "Absence Category",
"days": "Days",
"hours": "Hours",
"approvalStatus": "Approval Status",
"absenceStatus": "Absence Status",
"poweredBy": "Powered By",
"cloudSolutions": "Cloud Solutions",
"subordinateLeave": "Subordinate Leave",
"numberDays": "Number of days",
"selectTemplate": "Select Template",
"myPostedAds": "My posted ads",
"browseCategories": "Browse Categories",
"searchItems": "Search Items",
"offerAndDiscounts": "Offer & Discounts",
"offerValid": "Offer Valid",
"offerExpired": "Offer Expired",
"whatAreYouOffering": "What are you offering?",
"selectCategory": "Select Category",
"inProgress": "InProgress",
"locked": "Locked",
"addDetails": "Add Details",
"reviewAndSell": "Review & Sell",
"itemTitle": "Item Title",
"itemCondition": "Item Condition",
"used": "Used",
"region": "Region",
"selectRegion": "Select Region",
"itemPrice": "Item Price",
"itemPhotos": "Item Photos",
"itemInfo": "Item Info",
"profile": {
"reset_password": {
"label": "Reset Password",
"username": "Username",
"password": "password"
"profileCompletionPer": "Profile Completion",
"completeProfile": "Complete Profile",
"personalInformation": "Personal Information",
"basicDetails": "Basic Details",
"address": "Address",
"contactDetails": "Contact Details",
"familyDetails": "Family Members",
"effectiveDate": "Effective Date",
"country": "Country"
"clicked": {
"zero": "You clicked {} times!",
"one": "You clicked {} time!",
"two": "You clicked {} times!",
"few": "You clicked {} times!",
"many": "You clicked {} times!",
"other": "You clicked {} times!"
"gender": {
"male": "Hi man ;) ",
"female": "Hello girl :)",
"with_arg": {
"male": "Hi man ;) {}",
"female": "Hello girl :) {}"
"reset_locale": "Reset Language"
static const Map<String, Map<String,dynamic>> mapLocales = {"ar_SA": ar_SA, "en_US": en_US};