You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

411 lines
19 KiB

// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:easy_localization/generate.dart
abstract class LocaleKeys {
static const mohemm = 'mohemm';
static const english = 'english';
static const arabic = 'arabic';
static const login = 'login';
static const pleaseEnterLoginDetails = 'pleaseEnterLoginDetails';
static const username = 'username';
static const password = 'password';
static const welcomeBack = 'welcomeBack';
static const wouldYouLikeToLoginWithCurrentUsername = 'wouldYouLikeToLoginWithCurrentUsername';
static const lastLoginDetails = 'lastLoginDetails';
static const verificationType = 'verificationType';
static const pleaseVerify = 'pleaseVerify';
static const verifyThroughFace = 'verifyThroughFace';
static const verifyThroughFingerprint = 'verifyThroughFingerprint';
static const verifyThroughSMS = 'verifyThroughSMS';
static const verifyThroughWhatsapp = 'verifyThroughWhatsapp';
static const useAnotherAccount = 'useAnotherAccount';
static const pleaseEnterTheVerificationCodeSentTo = 'pleaseEnterTheVerificationCodeSentTo';
static const theVerificationCodeWillExpireIn = 'theVerificationCodeWillExpireIn';
static const goodMorning = 'goodMorning';
static const markAttendance = 'markAttendance';
static const timeLeftToday = 'timeLeftToday';
static const checkIn = 'checkIn';
static const workList = 'workList';
static const leaveBalance = 'leaveBalance';
static const missingSwipes = 'missingSwipes';
static const ticketBalance = 'ticketBalance';
static const services = 'services';
static const viewAllServices = 'viewAllServices';
static const monthlyAttendance = 'monthlyAttendance';
static const vacationRule = 'vacationRule';
static const vacationType = 'vacationType';
static const startDateT = 'startDateT';
static const endDateT = 'endDateT';
static const workFromHome = 'workFromHome';
static const ticketRequest = 'ticketRequest';
static const viewAllOffers = 'viewAllOffers';
static const offers = 'offers';
static const discounts = 'discounts';
static const newString = 'newString';
static const setTheNewPassword = 'setTheNewPassword';
static const typeYourNewPasswordBelow = 'typeYourNewPasswordBelow';
static const confirmPassword = 'confirmPassword';
static const update = 'update';
static const title = 'title';
static const home = 'home';
static const mySalary = 'mySalary';
static const createRequest = 'createRequest';
static const forgotPassword = 'forgotPassword';
static const employeeId = 'employeeId';
static const loginCodeWillSentToMobileNumber = 'loginCodeWillSentToMobileNumber';
static const changePassword = 'changePassword';
static const ok = 'ok';
static const confirm = 'confirm';
static const passwordChangedSuccessfully = 'passwordChangedSuccessfully';
static const itemsForSale = 'itemsForSale';
static const attendanceDetails = 'attendanceDetails';
static const order = 'order';
static const earlyOut = 'earlyOut';
static const shortage = 'shortage';
static const excess = 'excess';
static const lateIn = 'lateIn';
static const approvedCheckOut = 'approvedCheckOut';
static const approvedCheckIn = 'approvedCheckIn';
static const actualCheckOut = 'actualCheckOut';
static const actualCheckIn = 'actualCheckIn';
static const present = 'present';
static const pres = 'pres';
static const shiftTime = 'shiftTime';
static const absent = 'absent';
static const attendance = 'attendance';
static const scheduleDays = 'scheduleDays';
static const offDays = 'offDays';
static const nonAnalyzed = 'nonAnalyzed';
static const shortageHour = 'shortageHour';
static const stats = 'stats';
static const completed = 'completed';
static const msg = 'msg';
static const msg_named = 'msg_named';
static const clickMe = 'clickMe';
static const doNotUseRecentPassword = 'doNotUseRecentPassword';
static const atLeastOneLowercase = 'atLeastOneLowercase';
static const atLeastOneUppercase = 'atLeastOneUppercase';
static const atLeastOneNumeric = 'atLeastOneNumeric';
static const minimum8Characters = 'minimum8Characters';
static const doNotAddRepeatingLetters = 'doNotAddRepeatingLetters';
static const itShouldContainSpecialCharacter = 'itShouldContainSpecialCharacter';
static const confirmPasswordMustMatch = 'confirmPasswordMustMatch';
static const sms = 'sms';
static const fingerPrint = 'fingerPrint';
static const face = 'face';
static const whatsapp = 'whatsapp';
static const reject = 'reject';
static const approve = 'approve';
static const cancel = 'cancel';
static const requestedItems = 'requestedItems';
static const request = 'request';
static const myRequest = 'myRequest';
static const actions = 'actions';
static const delegate = 'delegate';
static const request_info = 'request_info';
static const attachments = 'attachments';
static const info = 'info';
static const employeeNumber = 'employeeNumber';
static const assignmentNumber = 'assignmentNumber';
static const employeeName = 'employeeName';
static const scheduleDate = 'scheduleDate';
static const shiftType = 'shiftType';
static const shift = 'shift';
static const breakText = 'breakText';
static const actualSwipeStart = 'actualSwipeStart';
static const actualSwipeEnd = 'actualSwipeEnd';
static const approvedSwipeStart = 'approvedSwipeStart';
static const approvedSwipeStartReason = 'approvedSwipeStartReason';
static const approvedSwipeEnd = 'approvedSwipeEnd';
static const approvedSwipeEndReason = 'approvedSwipeEndReason';
static const from = 'from';
static const to = 'to';
static const sent = 'sent';
static const closed = 'closed';
static const id = 'id';
static const responder = 'responder';
static const jobTitle = 'jobTitle';
static const grade = 'grade';
static const jobCategory = 'jobCategory';
static const category = 'category';
static const employeeEmailAddress = 'employeeEmailAddress';
static const payrollBranch = 'payrollBranch';
static const yourChangeHasBeenSavedSuccessfully = 'yourChangeHasBeenSavedSuccessfully';
static const code = 'code';
static const unit = 'unit';
static const quantity = 'quantity';
static const dateRequired = 'dateRequired';
static const lineStatus = 'lineStatus';
static const statusDate = 'statusDate';
static const transactionType = 'transactionType';
static const operatingUnit = 'operatingUnit';
static const organizationCode = 'organizationCode';
static const organization = 'organization';
static const fromSubInventory = 'fromSubInventory';
static const fromLocator = 'fromLocator';
static const toSubInventory = 'toSubInventory';
static const toLocator = 'toLocator';
static const shipToLocator = 'shipToLocator';
static const itemHistory = 'itemHistory';
static const mfg = 'mfg';
static const lineType = 'lineType';
static const price = 'price';
static const lineAmount = 'lineAmount';
static const lineDiscount = 'lineDiscount';
static const needByDate = 'needByDate';
static const promisedDate = 'promisedDate';
static const deliverToLocation = 'deliverToLocation';
static const requisitionNumber = 'requisitionNumber';
static const requester = 'requester';
static const quotationAnalysis = 'quotationAnalysis';
static const subject = 'subject';
static const description = 'description';
static const supplier = 'supplier';
static const site = 'site';
static const buyer = 'buyer';
static const preparer = 'preparer';
static const creationDate = 'creationDate';
static const shipToLocation = 'shipToLocation';
static const quotationNumber = 'quotationNumber';
static const quotationDate = 'quotationDate';
static const paymentTerms = 'paymentTerms';
static const currency = 'currency';
static const grossAmount = 'grossAmount';
static const discountAmount = 'discountAmount';
static const customDuty = 'customDuty';
static const shipHandle = 'shipHandle';
static const otherCharges = 'otherCharges';
static const totalPOAmountWithVAT = 'totalPOAmountWithVAT';
static const totalPOAmountInWords = 'totalPOAmountInWords';
static const requestNumber = 'requestNumber';
static const uom = 'uom';
static const operatingCode = 'operatingCode';
static const poNumber = 'poNumber';
static const revision = 'revision';
static const quantityOrdered = 'quantityOrdered';
static const quantityReceived = 'quantityReceived';
static const bonusQuantity = 'bonusQuantity';
static const purchasePrice = 'purchasePrice';
static const discountPer = 'discountPer';
static const balanceQuantity = 'balanceQuantity';
static const netPrice = 'netPrice';
static const closureStatus = 'closureStatus';
static const quotationNetPrice = 'quotationNetPrice';
static const quotationUOM = 'quotationUOM';
static const quotationQty = 'quotationQty';
static const itemCode = 'itemCode';
static const vendorName = 'vendorName';
static const quotationMFGPartNumber = 'quotationMFGPartNumber';
static const quotationDeliveryDate = 'quotationDeliveryDate';
static const quotationBonusQuantity = 'quotationBonusQuantity';
static const quotationLineTotal = 'quotationLineTotal';
static const rfqUOM = 'rfqUOM';
static const rfqQty = 'rfqQty';
static const rfqNumber = 'rfqNumber';
static const human = 'human';
static const resources = 'resources';
static const details = 'details';
static const noDataAvailable = 'noDataAvailable';
static const productName = 'productName';
static const productDescription = 'productDescription';
static const unitPrice = 'unitPrice';
static const manufacturerName = 'manufacturerName';
static const manufacturerPartName = 'manufacturerPartName';
static const supplierName = 'supplierName';
static const supplierContact = 'supplierContact';
static const chargeToPatient = 'chargeToPatient';
static const justification = 'justification';
static const itemDescription = 'itemDescription';
static const groupCode = 'groupCode';
static const primaryUOM = 'primaryUOM';
static const subgroupDescription = 'subgroupDescription';
static const subgroupCode = 'subgroupCode';
static const groupDescription = 'groupDescription';
static const templateName = 'templateName';
static const itemCreationStatus = 'itemCreationStatus';
static const standardizationApprovalStatus = 'standardizationApprovalStatus';
static const standardizationApprovalRejectionReason = 'standardizationApprovalRejectionReason';
static const analyzedBy = 'analyzedBy';
static const approvedDate = 'approvedDate';
static const itemType = 'itemType';
static const relatedTo = 'relatedTo';
static const requestDate = 'requestDate';
static const analyzedDate = 'analyzedDate';
static const urgent = 'urgent';
static const requestDetails = 'requestDetails';
static const approvalLevel = 'approvalLevel';
static const requesterDetails = 'requesterDetails';
static const myAttendance = 'myAttendance';
static const workOnBreak = 'workOnBreak';
static const next = 'next';
static const apply = 'apply';
static const mobile = 'mobile';
static const completingYear = 'completingYear';
static const year = 'year';
static const month = 'month';
static const day = 'day';
static const address = 'address';
static const phoneNumber = 'phoneNumber';
static const businessGroup = 'businessGroup';
static const Payroll = 'Payroll';
static const civilIdentityNumber = 'civilIdentityNumber';
static const dateOfBirth = 'dateOfBirth';
static const maritalStatus = 'maritalStatus ';
static const fullName = 'fullName';
static const remove = 'remove';
static const submit = 'submit';
static const areYouSureYouWantToSubmit = 'areYouSureYouWantToSubmit';
static const comments = 'comments';
static const writeComment = 'writeComment';
static const approversList = 'approversList';
static const yourRequestHasBeenSubmittedForApprovals = 'yourRequestHasBeenSubmittedForApprovals';
static const monthlyPaySlip = 'monthlyPaySlip';
static const particular = 'particular';
static const earnings = 'earnings';
static const deductions = 'deductions';
static const paymentMethodName = 'paymentMethodName';
static const bankName = 'bankName';
static const branchCode = 'branchCode';
static const accountNo = 'accountNo';
static const summaryOfInformation = 'summaryOfInformation';
static const totalPayAmount = 'totalPayAmount';
static const paymentInformation = 'paymentInformation';
static const performance = 'performance';
static const performanceEvaluation = 'performanceEvaluation';
static const performanceEvaluationIn = 'performanceEvaluationIn';
static const valuationIn = 'valuationIn';
static const amount = 'amount';
static const correctCurrentDatails = 'correctCurrentDatails';
static const selectType = 'selectType';
static const enterNewInfo = 'enterNewInfo';
static const endDate = 'endDate';
static const removeThisMember = 'removeThisMember';
static const updateThisMember = 'updateThisMember ';
static const addNewFamilyMember = 'addNewFamilyMember';
static const addRow = 'addRow';
static const pleaseSelect = 'pleaseSelect';
static const delete = 'delete';
static const edit = 'edit';
static const add = 'add';
static const myProfile = 'myProfile';
static const mowadhafhi = 'mowadhafhi';
static const searchAnnouncements = 'searchAnnouncements';
static const announcements = 'announcements';
static const swipeRequest = 'swipeRequest';
static const serviceType = 'serviceType';
static const departmentName = 'departmentName';
static const selectDepartment = 'selectDepartment';
static const relatedSection = 'relatedSection';
static const selectSection = 'selectSection';
static const relatedTopic = 'relatedTopic';
static const selectTopic = 'selectTopic';
static const supportingDocument = 'supportingDocument';
static const mowadhafhiRequest = 'mowadhafhiRequest';
static const ticketReference = 'ticketReference';
static const section = 'section';
static const topic = 'topic';
static const actionBy = 'actionBy';
static const pending = 'pending';
static const pendingTransactions = 'pendingTransactions';
static const selectRequestType = 'selectRequestType';
static const dateFrom = 'dateFrom';
static const dateTo = 'dateTo';
static const requestName = 'requestName';
static const createdFor = 'createdFor';
static const requestCreatedSuccessfully = 'requestCreatedSuccessfully';
static const search = 'search';
static const wantToReject = 'wantToReject';
static const requestType = 'requestType';
static const employeeDigitalID = 'employeeDigitalID';
static const businessCard = 'businessCard';
static const viewBusinessCard = 'viewBusinessCard';
static const logout = 'logout';
static const checkOut = 'checkOut';
static const regular = 'regular';
static const mark = 'mark';
static const selectMethodOfAttendance = 'selectMethodOfAttendance';
static const comeNearHMGWifi = 'comeNearHMGWifi';
static const deliverNotificationToMeRegardless = 'deliverNotificationToMeRegardless';
static const close = 'close';
static const respond = 'respond';
static const vacationRuleAdded = 'vacationRuleAdded';
static const selectTypeT = 'selectTypeT';
static const notification = 'notification';
static const selectNotification = 'selectNotification';
static const ifAllSelectedYouWillSkip = 'ifAllSelectedYouWillSkip';
static const applyForVacationRule = 'applyForVacationRule';
static const step1 = 'step1';
static const step2 = 'step2';
static const step3 = 'step3';
static const message = 'message';
static const writeAMessage = 'writeAMessage';
static const notificationReassign = 'notificationReassign';
static const selectEmployee = 'selectEmployee';
static const searchEmployeeForReplacement = 'searchEmployeeForReplacement';
static const searchForEmployee = 'searchForEmployee';
static const pleaseSpecifyEndTime = 'pleaseSpecifyEndTime';
static const pleaseSelectNotificationReassign = 'pleaseSelectNotificationReassign';
static const pleaseSelectEmployeeForReplacement = 'pleaseSelectEmployeeForReplacement';
static const pleaseSelectAction = 'pleaseSelectAction';
static const pleaseSelectDate = 'pleaseSelectDate';
static const todayAttendance = 'todayAttendance';
static const viewAttendance = 'viewAttendance';
static const teamMembers = 'teamMembers';
static const profileDetails = 'profileDetails';
static const noResultsFound = 'noResultsFound';
static const searchBy = 'searchBy';
static const myTeamMembers = 'myTeamMembers';
static const save = 'save';
static const TurnNotificationsFor = 'TurnNotificationsFor';
static const worklistSettings = 'worklistSettings';
static const absenceType = 'absenceType';
static const absenceCategory = 'absenceCategory';
static const days = 'days';
static const hours = 'hours';
static const approvalStatus = 'approvalStatus';
static const absenceStatus = 'absenceStatus';
static const subordinateLeave = 'subordinateLeave';
static const numberDays = 'numberDays';
static const poweredBy = 'poweredBy';
static const cloudSolutions = 'cloudSolutions';
static const selectTemplate = 'selectTemplate';
static const myPostedAds = 'myPostedAds';
static const browseCategories = 'browseCategories';
static const searchItems = 'searchItems';
static const offerAndDiscounts = 'offerAndDiscounts';
static const offerValid = 'offerValid';
static const offerExpired = 'offerExpired';
static const whatAreYouOffering = 'whatAreYouOffering';
static const selectCategory = 'selectCategory';
static const inProgress = 'inProgress';
static const locked = 'locked';
static const addDetails = 'addDetails';
static const reviewAndSell = 'reviewAndSell';
static const itemTitle = 'itemTitle';
static const itemCondition = 'itemCondition';
static const used = 'used';
static const region = 'region';
static const selectRegion = 'selectRegion';
static const itemPrice = 'itemPrice';
static const itemPhotos = 'itemPhotos';
static const itemInfo = 'itemInfo';
static const profile_reset_password_label = 'profile.reset_password.label';
static const profile_reset_password_username = 'profile.reset_password.username';
static const profile_reset_password_password = 'profile.reset_password.password';
static const profile_reset_password = 'profile.reset_password';
static const profile_profileCompletionPer = 'profile.profileCompletionPer';
static const profile_completeProfile = 'profile.completeProfile';
static const profile_personalInformation = 'profile.personalInformation';
static const profile_basicDetails = 'profile.basicDetails';
static const profile_address = 'profile.address';
static const profile_contactDetails = 'profile.contactDetails';
static const profile_familyDetails = 'profile.familyDetails';
static const profile_effectiveDate = 'profile.effectiveDate';
static const profile_country = '';
static const profile = 'profile';
static const clicked = 'clicked';
static const gender_with_arg = 'gender.with_arg';
static const gender = 'gender';
static const reset_locale = 'reset_locale';